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Polishing the game. For a better PRO experience!



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Starting up


Its a good think that there is a character creation limit, thus preventing history item grinding.


Character customization IMO lacks in hair styles and colours, also the possibility to change both top and bot colours should be implemented (also shoes if not asking too much), this being considered in the begginig and not the fact that there is an item shop in-game later on.


After, upon finishing one's customization, there should be an option regarding the starting region (for kanto haters :Heart: like myself :> ), this wouldn't be just for me but for the other possible thousand of possible people out there who don't want to start in kanto and having to go through all the work of beating e4(ellite four) just to restart in where you wanted to be in the first place.

In-Game Content


No greater improvements regarding the graphics ( seriously how awsome are they? :Heart: )


The possibility of just turning to a direction and not having to actually walk, eg: pressing W would make me move to the right; with this improvement pressing W would only make me look to the right and only by holding W it would actually make me move to the right (PokeMMO is an example of this action that seems correct to me)


Maybe making the pokemon that walk around ( the ones that only give you pokedex "seen" status ) passable objects, as in you can pass through them, this prevents people from getting stuck in some cases (LUL u newb) and from discomfort, an example of this is bumping in to everything...


Chanels are a possible scenario that would control /all chat spamming and preventing certain spaces from overcrowding letting out massive laggs :n:


The last aspect for now regarding In-Game Content is to be able to expand "Key Bindings", this meaning that you could possibly key bind the letter "Y" for "social" thus being able to open the "social" menu just by clicking "Y". This shoud be applied to most if not every menus in existance.



As a great bonus and possibly the one and only reason why some people play Pokemon: Legendaries. IMO every legendary regarding each region should be catchable and part of the story as it complements Pokemon itself.


However Legendaries would not be premited in pvp ranked fights in which i will talk about later on. The only scenario where one could use legendaries in a Pokemon fight would be against wild Pokemon and in pre-meditated duels (if you do not know what this means its basically fighting with friends :Angel: ).



I am talking about the visuals of Pokemon battles here.


IMO, the hand that throws out the Pokeball containing your Pokemon looks kinda lame and should be replaced by simply showing the Pokeball flying to field (as in normal Pokemon games but taking out the player, kinda like PokeMMO xD . I don't want this to be like PokeMMO, i want PRO to surpass it, just thinking some features of it would perfectly suit PRO, giving players the perfect Pokemon gaming experience).


I heard every move will correspond to its respective visual effect and if that's true there's nothing to change regarding that matter :Grin:


There is just one more thing left towards Battle Visuals, that beeing the Pokemon size, seriously its like i'm fighting a mini-pokemon. The size of each Pokemon during battles should be more balanced to give players a Battle which is rightfull to the demand (meaning to make it look more like actual Pokemon).

PVP and Ranks


Taking a deeper look on the competitive side, there is not many things ATM that can satisfy it, if non-existant.


IMO above all pokemon centers (walking up the stairs... u newb what did u think the roof?) there should be a guy/female behind a counter asking to take part in an event that says "Ranked" this "event" is a feature that allows you to battle certain players who are currently online from the same "rank" according to some conditions ( some being playable pokemon/tiers legendaries being obviously thrown off here ). The more matches you win, the higher you go in the ranking system, however, by loosing you also go down in the ladder. This "event" is to be reseted at the end of every week after establishing the prize pool, the higher your rank the higher your reward, this is to prevent from starting players to never be able to have a chance in the ladder, because if the ladder did not reset than the ones who have been playing it the longest would be allways on top ( hue ). If you want a more detailed guide on this matter just ask.

Guild/Guild Battles


I am sad to say that this is the last subject i'm going to point out and we will be parted soon :( :Frown:


So as it is, you can create a guild and if not, it will be available pretty soon i haven't checked that out yet ( lawl newb me :< ) and wouldn't it be freaking awsome if there were Guild Battles? I mean who wouldn't want the fame and the title that comes with such an achievment as being nº1. Guilds are to take their 6 most strongest Pokemon players and battle with another strong 6. Kinda being like PVP-Ranked there should be another guy/female next to the pvp/ranked one saying "Guild Battle" this event is also reseted weekly to make it fair and the prize is a customed made island (like, the ones PRO has, i don't know much about them) with a higher chance of getting a shiny Pokemon. The winning Guild is determined by 6 battles, (as i said, the 6 strongest players vs the 6 strongest players) and who ever wins the most battles wins ^-^ in case of a tie (hue no not the piece of clothing) just do the 6 matches again :D more fun for every1.



Well these are all my ideas so far hope you take them in consideration to build a better PRO world :Angel:

Each paragraph states a different topic regarding the referred subject

ATM-> At The Moment

IMO-> In My Opinion

And I apologize for any english mistakes i have made, English is not my main language unfortunatly :(

Best Regards Neucinetic ;)


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This is one of the more comprehensive suggestions threads ive read. However here r a few things that stand out:


- We will have a system for legendaries. Most of them WILL NOT be catchable however. Thus the ones that will be (articuno, raikou for example) will be allowed to be used in battle. Legendaries are supposed to be legendary, if everyone could catch one then they wouldnt be so great. And trust me, you wont even be able to get the required access to enter legend quests for a long time.


- We already have a costume shop for clothes and hats. There would have been one for hairstyles (it would be in goldenrod city) but i dont think the hairstyles have item codes. Also, there are 27 hair colours and at least 12+ of each gender hairstyle...that is a fair amount, more than North Korea allow anyway :p


- We will not have multi-region choice starts. The whole game is linear (apart from the sevii and orange islands which require completing certain regions to access, and are MS only regions), therefore you need to start in kanto. Thats how the story is scripted out. It would literally be impossible to start in another region without ruining the story.


- The small pokemon is a correct visual aspect. For example, if you were in africa and saw a lion from a distance, it will be smaller right?.

The pokemon's size will.make more sense once we have finished and added the completed situational backgrounds (the ones ingame are temporary currently)


Also, im glad you like the overall graphics, the Art team and I have worked tirelessly over the past 9 months to deliver something we can be proud of, and everyone can enjoy visually.


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Chanels are a possible scenario that would control /all chat spamming and preventing certain spaces from overcrowding letting out massive laggs :n:


This is from my own personal experience, from a moderators point of view this would actually make spamming and other offences worse because we can't be on every channel all the time. There would be no way of knowing whats going on in a channel without a player notifying us on what's taking place in a certain channel.

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Since I've practically been begged to reply to this thread, I'm going to go ahead and dissect what I believe is important.

Character customization IMO lacks in hair styles and colours


I'd be incredibly surprised if character customization wasn't expanded upon in the future. Many people have already suggested this as well. It's also not high priority at the moment, I imagine.

there should be an option regarding the starting region (for kanto haters :Heart: like myself :> )


Another suggestion that has been made several times. Arnie explained it better than I could since he's staff and knows the internal opinion on the matter.

eg: pressing W would make me move to the right; with this improvement pressing W would only make me look to the right and only by holding W it would actually make me move to the right


I believe this already exists, but I'm not sure. Not really an impactful change either, so probably low priority.

Maybe making the pokemon that walk around ( the ones that only give you pokedex "seen" status ) passable objects, as in you can pass through them


You can pass through them already, though it could be smoother. If you and the NPC (which is what the walking Pokemon are coded as) walk at each other, you'll walk through them. Again, could be smoother.

Chanels are a possible scenario that would control /all chat spamming and preventing certain spaces from overcrowding letting out massive laggs


Channels already exist, you just simply click on the wrench icon if I recall, and you can create a new channel or join an existing one. The rest is up to the community to actually use the feature. Also chat spamming doesn't lead to massive lag.

As a great bonus and possibly the one and only reason why some people play Pokemon: Legendaries. IMO every legendary regarding each region should be catchable and part of the story as it complements Pokemon itself.


Been suggested multiple times. This suggestion needs to be expanded upon. Regardless of whether they can be used for PvP or not, it's still going to have an impact upon the economy if you can sell them. Also, it's been said that some legendaries are going to be available.

There is just one more thing left towards Battle Visuals, that beeing the Pokemon size, seriously its like i'm fighting a mini-pokemon.


Also been suggested multiple times. I agree that it could be a bit more polished, but it's also due to perspective. If you're battling a Trainer's Pokemon, naturally the Pokemon isn't going to be close to you and thus will appear smaller the further away it is.

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Yes, chanel usage would be towards preventing overcrowding->lagg spikes.


Regarding Legendaries my thoughts were so that they wouldn't be tradable, therefore not afecting the economy at all.


And yes i do know that Pokemon battles respect the character perspective, however, i just think it could be more polished (i don't know but it just feels weird when i'm battling).


I would also like to hear thoughts from all of you directed at "PVP/Ranking" and "Guild/Guild Battles" , believing IMO if those features were in fact implemented it would make PRO the best online Pokemon MMO.


Feel free to contact me if you have the need to ask more about my ideas and or discussing them with me.


Neucinetic ;)


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Everyone one of those suggestions is well known and addressed many times in past. However, things do have priority. As for battle visuals, our artist who did some of them had to leave temporary due to college problems. Is he coming back, I am not sure of. However, they are able to contact us. That is the reason why those kind of cosmetics are on the hold.

As long as there are those that remember what was, there will always be those that are unable to accept what can be.

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Thank you for your suggestions. While many of these are planned, discussions and player feedback are always instrumental to refining them while the final product isn't finished. :)


As an impartial agenda exists for the implementation of each Pokemon, Legendary Pokemon will not be omitted as well once all the inclusionary schemes have been concocted for them; it's just that rather than hastening in the implementation of Legendary Pokemon, which would deviate away for Pokemon lore and potentially disbalance the economy, we will treat Legendary Pokemon content-sensitively. We must always consider the proportionality of how well the degree of difficulty behind a hurdle fits how rewardful the Pokemon is, and as Arnie mentioned, Legendary Pokemon are in their own stratosphere; therefore, it will not be merely a cursory discussion to implement Legendary Pokemon, but we have been making strides with it.


Regarding the PvP-ranking suggestion: we have dabbled around discussions a while ago to implement a feature that would let players control their own battle-mode conditions and requisites, as well as the optionability to disable ranking modes; while we have not yet consummated it with a deep furtherance of the discussion, the consensus has been established for the general direction of such a feature. It has undoubtedly put on the back-burner for now while we are focused primarily on release-essential features meanwhile, but you can expect a discussion of it to be rekindled among the staff when we are ready to focus on the inessential but demand-popular features—which this most likely will be among other players too. :)


Legendary Pokemon are unlikely to be categorically banned from ranked matches, but the optionability will be there. We as staff generally try to eschew setting regulatory rules and standards over PvP matches, as we would prefer that players culturalize their own PvP customs rather than staff being a be-all, end-all factor in them; that is why optionability—including for filtering out Legendary Pokemon in matches—is likely to remain in place, as there are some players who would relish the opportunity to deploy Legendary Pokemon in battles—especially for inter-legendary battles, for when enough Legendary Pokemon have been distributed in the economy.

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Naero pretty much summed the situation with legendaries up.


A further note - all catchable legendaries wont be tradeable anyway.


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