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Daily Quests for PVP


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As experience from previous games, I'll say right away: Avoid daily PvP quests to be wins, ESPECIALLY wins in a row. It's very frustrating when you try to go for the Daily PvP win, but end up losing all the time because of bad luck. Even just for one win, someone might end up spending 4 hours just for this "daily PvP win".


Ideally, you want something more stable. If we go for something like "Complete 3 PvP matches", you know you'll finish the daily quest without too much time, but it might incitate players into just trying to lose as fast as possible. A better compromise would rather be "Defeat 6 pokemons in PvP", which would complete in one victory but still progress in a loss where you tried to win.


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idk about more pvp coins as a reward but some additional interaction and incentive to get people into pvp would be cool. If it is possible something like "use this in pvp" to get people to experiment? Would be hard though and risk people losing rating but just an idea.

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There's a few problem with quests saying "Use this pokemon in PvP".


First of all, that can't be made daily: You need to take the time to get one with good IV/nature/ability, EV train it and level it to 100, and that would normally take more than 1 day. If you don't do that, well it's as good as going in PvP with 5 pokemons only.


Second problem, even if it's rather a weekly quest, or a no-time-limit repeatable quest with a 24 hours cooldown, we need a condition to incitate players to not just train the pokemon to level 100, lose a battle with it and be done. That simply wouldn't be fun.


Last problem, you can't just throw random pokemons in that objective. Of course, you have to take out all Legendary pokemons and non-evolved pokemons. Then you have to make sure to also take out unique pokemons and those that are not available to catch (like Castform). Take out those that are pretty much unusable (Shedinja, Ditto). At the end, it kind of becomes very hard to decide what should stay.


If we bring something with that objective, I would see something like that:

-The quest giver gives you 3 random choices from the pool of "usable" pokemon. One under 500 total base stats, one between 500-550, and one between 550-600. These are "difficulty" choices and affect the reward.

-You can take however much time you like to train the pokemon you've chosen, but you must present him with said pokemon at level 100 and with all 510 EV distributed.

-Once you've presented him with that pokemon, you must participate in 5 battles with that pokemon in your party.

-After completing the 5 battles, you return to the quest giver to claim your reward, after what there is a 24 hours cooldown.

-Your reward is higher depending on two factors. The lowest the total base stats of the pokemon you chose, the better the rewards. Furthermore, the more battles you've won in the 5 battles, the better the rewards. The minimum reward still remains good enough for at least taking the effort to train a completely new pokemon.


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