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April 13th 2018 - Friday 13th Story Event

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I opened my eyes slowly. "I've had enough of this world," I said quietly, turning my face into the mud. My body remained on the ground. I couldn't even stand. As I lay there, alone and helpless, I could feel the rain begin to softly touch me. My head was pounding and I felt pain in other parts of my body as well. The only thing I could do was contemplate my situation and try to figure out what to do. Earlier that morning, I had eaten breakfast and walked to school, as usual. It was Friday the 13th, so my mother told me to be wary of ghost pokemon and other kids who might want to play cruel pranks. The other kids picked on me for my fascination with ghost pokemon in particular. Every day after school, I'd go to the abandoned mansion on the hill to see if I could find any ghost type pokemon. Today was no exception, only this time, I was followed. Clouds were beginning to gather and I heard the sound of thunder in the distance. I had made my way up to the very top of the hill, to the mansion. After a slope that gently curves to form the hill, it stops and turns into a sharp cliff that overlooks a vast forest. It was a magnificent sight. Unfortunately, this would be the last thing I would see before falling. I was hypnotized by the view when suddenly, I felt hands on my back give a swift push. I stumbled forward and fell. The next thing I know, I'm lying on the ground in the forest. My body felt numb. I struggled to lift my head to observe the damage that had been done. I couldn't open my right eye, but I could see that my left arm was completely broken. I couldn't believe what happened. I faced the ground. "I've had enough of this world," I said quietly to myself. After what seemed like hours, I felt something touch my hand. I was somehow able to look up at whatever it was that came to my side. It was a balloon pokemon, Drifloon, I think. It tugged at my hand. By some miracle, I slowly got to my feet. It kept pulling on my hand, as if it was telling me to follow it. And so I did. It led me further into the dark, misty forest. The further we went in, the heavier the fog became. Eventually, I couldn't see 2 inches in front of my face, but i could still feel the balloon holding my hand, guiding me. Within minutes, I was fully engulfed by the mist. It was at that moment, I believed I stopped existing.

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Tell me of your greatest fears. The ones that perhaps leave you in tears. Is it seeing your loved ones dead? Lying in a pool of blood, dismembered, or missing their head? Or maybe it is a monster following you. The reason you probably already knew. You threw it away a long time ago without reason. Because you got new toys during the cold winter season? Inexcusable! For what you have done, you will regret. For what you have done, your future is set. That toy is here with you now. At this moment, you had better bow. Beg for forgiveness and it might give a quick death. I wouldn't count on it, though, and prepare for your last breath. The room is quiet and dark. The creature has already made it's mark. With a swift strike, you fall to the ground. Your calves to your knees no longer bound. You cry out in agony, but no one can hear you. A demonic voice speaks, "The pain I once felt, you will feel, too." You turn to face the terrible creature hoping to make out any possible feature. It looked like a doll, standing about three and a half feet tall. With a zipper for a mouth and glowing red eyes, you know it's too late to say any goodbyes. It takes a step forward and unzips it's mouth. It's from this point forward, things really go south. It spews forth the darkest fog. The horrible smell makes you feel as sick as a dog. Another quick action, which no one could warn, strikes at you again. Now your body is torn. For what you have done, you will regret. For what you have done, your future is set. The creature then leaves, finally satisfied. I wish I could say, "At least you had tried." It disappeared peacefully to find a new staple, on this cool, rainy day on the thirteenth of April.

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It was Friday the 13th... I wondered out into the woods alone not knowing what the consequences were going to be. I was a very, very dumb kid and I liked to adventure into the wild.

As I stumbled upon a house.. I heard a dark presence say " turnnnn backing now" and at that my moment my whole body was frozen stiff I started to shiver.


I guess you could say I was just curious so I went inside the house. As soon as, I went inside what I saw was horrifying, everything was torn down and in rubble. I felt like I saw something in the corner of my eye run past me to the other direction. So I decided to chase after it. As soon as, I went around the corner I saw a candle like figure on the floor so I picked it up I also, saw some odd machine beside it so I picked it up and put it in it's pocket.


The odd candle like figure told me to go further down so that's what I did not knowing what was instore for me more no I saw more of them and more of them I felt like i was losing my mind. I saw another one but, this one looked different I approached it and it shouted Lampent. So i guess that was it's name and the other ones Shouted "Litwick" it showed me up stairs it looked like a portal or something. And at that moment I heard the door silently close behind me so I looked back in despair.


All of them where Surrounding me I didn't know what to do so I panicked I felt weak I didn't know what to do. I heard a voice again it sounded like the same voice I heard before I came to this place. It said " Whyyy didddd youuuu comeee? iiiiii toldddd youuuu tooo stayyy awayyyy takeee thattt pokedexxx innnn your Pockettt anddd shineeee itttt onnn themmm anddd onccee youuu seeee whattt they'reeeee reallyyyy trying to doooo makeeee Sureeee youuu runnn assss faster assss possiblee" The voice silently vanished so I didn't what it asked I shined the "Pokedex" on them and it said "While shining a light and pretending to be a guide, it leeches off the life force of any who follow it". And and that moment I sprinted to the exist and right out the doors wishing to never see this again and that was my last time adventuring out alone.

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All around the world, there are legends of dark, creepy places. Some, everyone knows. Others lost in the sands of time. This is the story of the Moving Forest. The cursed place that shows up every Friday the 13th. And when it does, it brings only nightmares. Lets begin...



Once upon a time, back when Viridian City was just a tiny village, there lived a small curious boy. He was an ordinary ten year old boy, who liked to explore and collect things. Everyday, he would investigate a new part of what would later become, Viridian Forest. This went on for some time until one day, while in the woods, he saw something he would never forget. The forest seemed to move and whisper his name, beckoning him to explore deeper. He saw trees shake and move aside, revealing a path into the dense, dark forest that sunlight couldn’t even penetrate. Curiosity got the better of him and he went down that path. He was intrigued by the moving roots around the trail. But what he didn’t see was the voracious eyes following him from the trees. Nor did he see the spectres that danced among the branches the further he went.



As he reached the end of the path, he saw a single Gengar sitting on a rotten stump, surrounded by dead grass. The boy, too young to know the dangers of this world, approached the Gengar. The sharp jagged teeth of the Gengar revealed themselves as it spoke, leaving a stench of rotten berries in its wake. It told the boy that he was brave and had earned a reward. An opportunity for a trial to have the boy prove himself. If he won the trial he would get three big nuggets, each one worth enough to own a castle. All he had to do was stare at the Gengar and not fall asleep. The boy, savoring the thought of owning the nuggets for his collection, foolishly accepted. His eyes closed and never opened again.



The town searched for the boy for weeks, burning paths in the hopes that the boy could find his way back. As the fires grew closer to the hidden path, the Trevenants grew restless. By the time the town found the path, the Trevenants and Gengars had left, taking the body with them. That is, until Friday the 13th came again. A little girl in the now mapped out Viridian Forest disappeared. In her place, lay the lifeless boy. Now every Friday the 13th, the Trevenants and the Gengar return to Viridian Forest and take foolish children, leaving behind their previous victim as a warning. A warning about the woods. A warning for those who travel through Viridian Forest on that day.



So now you know the legend of the moving forest here in Viridian. If you find yourself looking at the path guarded by Trevenants, run as fast as you can. Or you might be the next one we find.

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It was Friday the 13th and I just finished watching a horror movie. I love horror movies and like the feeling of being scared because I know I’m safe. My plush doll always keeps me safe. I keep it with me all the time. I used to have two dolls but daddy made me throw one away. It wasn’t an easy choice and I still miss my other doll. But I was brave and didn’t cry when I threw him in the dumpster.


As I’m getting ready for bed the power suddenly turns off. It’s pitch black and I can’t see anything. I’m holding my doll tight as I search for my phone. Ouch, something pinched my shoulder. I grab my phone and turn on the flashlight. I take a quick look around but do not notice anything weird. But then I hear a sound. It’s a zipper, slowly closing and opening whatever it is surrounded by. The zipper starts going faster and faster and I start running towards my bed. An immense pain enters my knee and I fall down. I cry and realise I’m not holding my doll anymore. As I’m searching for her I hear a high pitched laughter in the background. I find my doll but it’s just her body. Her head has been torn off.


Two purplish-pink eyes are staring at me from a small distance. When I’m about to shine my flashlight on it I feel a pain I have never experienced before. It’s in my heart. I can’t move and the phones slides out of my hand. Hitting the ground sideways, the flashlight shines towards those eyes which are now much closer to me. I see a small black figure, with those bright eyes and a golden zipper as mouth. And I recognise it immediately. My old doll. It has a needle in its shoulder, a fork in its knee and a knife through its heart. Banette stood there, smiling over me as I gasped my last breath.

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As he was approaching the dark crumbling mansion he currently called home, a strong gust of wind suddenly came to life and caught him on its current. Life was hard as an incorporeal ball of poisonous gas.

Blowing away in the strong breeze, he idly wondered if this was a Friday the 13th prank from Hauntzer – it would be just like him to enact revenge tonight, he was probably directing the wind with fans behind him to blow him into some unsuspecting Trainers.

The wind current swept him through the air vents into a parked car. Fighting to regain his incorporeal form rather than being misted about this car with strangely blowing air currents inside of it, he thought – “what kind of unnatural air is this?!”

Hissing quietly, he quickly sought an exit. This was new ground for him, he could battle his way out of the grass but what fresh hell was this tin can with its unnatural air pathways? It was designed to trap him!

Flying wildly about the car as he buffeted around the car, he hoped he would be able to escape before the Trainers realised he was there, as incorporeal as he was whilst he was being dispersed by the air.

His thoughts were interrupted by the Trainers suddenly clutching their throats and gasping for breath.

They slumped in their seats, their heads on their chests. How strange, he thought, he had never seen Trainers take a nap before.

Hissing, he tried to pull himself together enough to be able to escape through the small crack in the window.

Carefully, he eased himself out and quickly gathered his wits and floated home. He would make Haunter pay for this!

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The following posts will include the stories which have been PM'd to me. The reason these stories are being published is so those who are assisting to judge this event will have access to them. No names will be attached to these stories to protect those who sent them to me.

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The Shiny Espurr


It has been rumored that Team Rocket has no limits on what they will do to achieve limitless power. Cloning Mew? That was probably the weakest of their secret projects. Rumor has it that they have a torture machine that can unlock the true potential of a shiny Pokémon. Deep innate power lies within the changed pigments of a shiny Pokémon.


One time, I've even heard they found a shiny Espurr, and proceeded to experiment on it in order to create a monster for world domination. Once they got the shiny Espurr and unlocked it’s potential, that power was not enough. Cutting off the pink ears that covered the green organs that emitted it’s psychic power, they wanted to see it’s power unfettered.

They bit off more than they could chew.


Having recorded the whole process, the now unstoppable pink Espurr had it’s fair share of mistreatment, and wiped the memories off all the Team Rocket members in the area, leaving them with only the memory of the pain of their migraines induced, corrupting the data of the recorded footage to mere static.

Once it escaped, it’s thirst for vengeance was not sated. It continued to attack trainers and Pokémon alike, wiping their memories to blank slates and then causing massive headache-like pain that can only be understood by experiencing it.


It is said that if you spot this Pokémon, with it’s pink fur and bright green psychic-enhancing organs fully exposed from it’s missing ears, you have about 23 and a half seconds to run before your memories no longer exist. 24 seconds, and it will catch you.


There is no known cure for this ailment, and those affected are basically no more useful than a paperweight for the grass beneath them. Still living, but in a state of mindlessness.


If you see this Pokémon, your best bet is to throw an ultra ball, not to catch it, but to buy time, and run, hoping the time spent in the ball would be enough additional time to get away. Do not try to catch it. Do not try to fight it.


Just run…


Or forget everything you ever knew…

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