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Alice in wonderland subquest?


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Just wondering, did someone complete it on Easter plateau? I reached the point where "Cheshire" talks you about the Queen, but an error appeared after choosing an option and I can't continue. Anyone discovered for what it is? Maybe just a funny side quest?

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i wondered that to but in fact the hipno near pokecenter just disapear and said : "--rarecandies." blablabla... also near the tree at north it a npc"wonderland subquest" appears asking for a pokemon . but dunno what pokemon he asking. after saying " the watch is 2 days / 2 hours wrong" he disapear. also theres a buneaby near it talking and walks near the pokecenter . when you talk again it talks again and goes other localization or not . alos when you talk one of the signs that have alonan meowth , you fall at sleep.

also i received 2 rare candies by randomly . i don't know how.

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I don't have the chef nor the hypno in my game, and a friend of mine has just the chef. The diggersby in my game stays where is the "madhatter" and doesn't reply even if the madhatter already left and didn't some me up, but I could talk with almost every signal of Meowth. But instead, my friend could not talk with any of the signals and I'm the middle of the talk with the madhatter got awake and given two rainbow candy canes.


Not sure but seems like it can be triggered on different ways tho. I've not received any candy :PiplupCry:

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Queen of hearts I suppose. The signal most in the North is the, third one? That you can talk. It tells you not to get mad the Queen or you'd regret. I got the error when I asked for the location of the Queen.

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the street sign and the old man are 2 different quests

I'm pretty sure there is bug on them


I could talk to the old man but nothing special happened

then I couldn't interact with the most north street sign

couldn't interact with any other street sign either


1 of my friend could interact with the most north street sign but nothing special happened

and he couldn't find the old man, there was nothing at there, only a diggersby

he couldn't interact with any other street sign either


2 of my friends couldn't interact with the most north street sign

AND couldn't find the old man too

they couldn't interact with any other street sign either

just nothing

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Yeah, surely they are bugged.


I could talk with the first signal after finding diggersby. But the old man appeared for my after I talked the second sign, before that I just saw the diggersby. Nothing special with the old man not the most North sign.


My friend had no signs available and the old man appeared just after talking with diggersby. Still they have NPCs that I can't see (a chef on the left side of the pokecenter and a diggersby that you can't talk with). Their signals are all covered with Meowth, but I don't. We both entered on my phone for checking it was not a big of my temp files:





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in my case i interacted hipno talked with the old guy north that asks the pokemon insteed of directly talk signs and the npc asks about instead of choosing/showing the pokemon and i asked what is what is talking about and he gonna ask others things.

it will give alot of dialog , and after all of that diolog , he desapears saying the watch is 2 days wrong and then i can only interact with all of the signs that i have try to interact but freeze and doesnt says nothing.



1 of my friends when enter 1st time the easter plateau talked with hipno and tryed to talk the chef nearby it.

the chef didnt say nothing when 1st talked with hipno, over time when he iteract the north sign .

he tp instantly to near chef and chef sory about hipno hipnosis and reward you.(i saw that by share screen at skype.)

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