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Logging In


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Well you see, I've having a problem logging into my account. I used to be in the red server and I've gone as far as finishing hoenn. So when I tried to login in after the servers were merged it told me that my username and password were invalid when i clicked the sliver server but when i clicked the gold server and i got in just fine just that i started from the beginning. I don't know if it's possible to fix something like this but if there is a way I would appreciate the you're help.

thanks for taking your time.

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I actually had the same problem, I was able to fix this by merging your account first. You can do that here:




You can learn more about it here:





Strong Pokemon. Weak Pokemon. That is only the selfish perception of people. Truly skilled trainers should try to win with their favorites.

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Hello guys,


it is exactly like @Tyano123 mentioned, to be able to play on the silver server you have to merge your Red and Blue profile first. All information regarding the merge can be found in this topic, also how to merge exactly. In case you should have any issues regarding the merge, take a look at this issue FAQ.


Thanks to @Tyano123 for the answer! :)

I will lock this this topic now as its answered.

Regards Xylos

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