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my kanto pokemon are stuck in party!! [SOLVED]


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I have the same problem, I recntly merged and have now realised I have 3 pokemon from Kanto and Johto (whilst I'm playing the Hoenn storyline) and I can't seem to switch them or bank them. Is there anyway this can be helped?



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I have the same problem, I recntly merged and have now realised I have 3 pokemon from Kanto and Johto (whilst I'm playing the Hoenn storyline) and I can't seem to switch them or bank them. Is there anyway this can be helped?




Hey @nbnoodle2016,


could you please name the Pokémon which should be removed?


Regards Xylos

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Hi nbnoodle2016,


As you've been helped in-game with your issue, I'll now lock this topic.


Kind Regards, Astraea.






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