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quest dogs legendarys [SOLVED]


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Hello, hope you have been well!

So you are trying to receive one of the bells from Scientist Rey but it does not seem to work?

I can see that you have not battled all of the 3 legendary dogs and are missing one battle, to fix this you should head back to where they are first spawned, the top of Tohjo Falls for Suicune, Mt. Silver 3F for Raikou and Johto Safari Mountain Zone for Entei. I would suggest Suicune first as it is the most common one to have been missed.

You may also use the Legendary Megathread if you lose track of where you are on the quest.

Looking forward to your reply,

Until then, I hope you have a great day!


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bt i have the celebi ifight whith then

Hello, hope you've been well!

Yes, you have fought Celebi and caught it, if you did this a little while ago then there has been an update on the placement of Suicune. As of this, some players are having to refight Suicune on top of Tohjo Falls which will fix there problem of not having the data for the legendary dog and continue with the quest.

I will advise you to head to Tohjo Falls and go up the waterfall to see if Suicune is still there.

Looking forward to your reply,

Until then, have a great day!


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Sorry to intrude but I think it only required the amount of hours g/l...

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