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Why does Quagsire not learn Rock Slide?


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Hello everybody !


I am currently writing because I brought my Quagsire to the "Rock Slide" move tutor, but this one said me that Quagsire could not learn rock slide... It is not normal, because it usually does !

Just look here: https://pokemondb.net/pokedex/quagsire


Thanks a lot for answering.


Have a very nice day ! :)


Hey @BurningKitty,


Indeed Quagsire does learn Rock Slide but only if taught by a Tm. Quagsire wont learn Rock Slide from a tutor, that's not a bug and is supposed to be like that.

You can take a look at this page for a proof: https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Quagsire_(Pokémon)


You can buy TM48 - Rock Slide at Goldenrod Mart (Johto) for $3,000. (For all Tm and tutor take a look at this guide)


Regards Xylos

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