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Dig Spots


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Let's change all these "useless" items & exchange them with Nuggets and Big Nuggets. Let's just screw the economy :P


The word we are looking for is balance, Dig spots can give out great money if you are lucky but giving out only valueable items, rare candies and fossils is too much to ask for.


A big nono from me

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An acronym for "random number generator" or "random number generation", it refers to the process by which computers generate apparently random numbers, essentially the computer equivalent of 'chance'.

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As Prehax stated above, lower-end rewards from dig spots balance it out - voiding those items and only having the more valuable items able to drop from dig spots massively affects the economy and will rapidly inflate the economy, and already almost every player has at least a few mil on Silver server at least.


Compare this to headbutt or excavations, you have a chance to get a good reward, but also the opposite, it is way too impractical to contstantly give out higher tier rewards as it not only removes any sense of accomplishment when you do drop them, but harms the economy.


There are many other ways to 'make money quick' without altering the drops from dig sites, as currently they are balanced enough to be rewarding yet not overly rewarding.


tl:dr - removing the lower tier drops from dig sites is not beneficial to anyone and will not happen - irregardless if it allows people to make more money easier.

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Do not contact staff members for private support. Share the question on forums, as this can then be of use to others. Please use proper forum when posting. Unsolicited messages will be trashed. Thanks.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well it depends on where the dig spots are added, Hoenn for example is a money sink. Some months ago, i got used to go everyday back and forth to do the excavation sites quest. It took me 100k is was like ok, but then i realized that it is also 2.5k each time I enter a site. Theres no way i can get some money in Hoenn to reduce the expenses at least. Besides syncing a fossil is 10k each. I would love to have excavation sites free to enter after paying 100k the first time, like at least.

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