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Clean up the forum a little bit and update sticky threads


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Hey there,


I just want ahead & looked through the forum and found some threads that maybe shouldn't be sticky threads anymore or have information in it that are outdated.



    • Adding more servers or Transferring data between servers
      • Given that there was an option and that there will be an option to transfers the between the servers, I believe this is an outdated aspect and shouldn't be in "Non negotiable".

      [*]Making the spawn rate easier

      • As to quote some of the text "you can sometimes spend more than 2 weeks without finding these Pokemon", this is an outdated philosophy and the spawns don't work like that anymore. There should be healthy balance between rarities and spawns. The whole text should rather focus on what the philosophy is behind spawns and should actively encourage to root out "bad spawns" by either my definition (click here) or by your own definition. They key on decreasing rarities or increasing them is to find a healthy balance, two weeks to find a single pokemon is not healthy at all.

      [*]Changing the Dig or Headbutt confirmation displays or adding Coin Shop tools for them

      • There is already a Shovel item ingame, it only needs updated scripts for Digspots afaik, this is outdated

      [*]Reduce boss battle cooldowns or Revalue boss reward

      • Players should be encouraged to give suggestions to certain bosses and what they believe would be an appropriate reward. This is not a "non negotiable" issues as boss rewards were already changed based on feedback

      [*]Auction house or Market place

      • There is an auctionhouse planned for the new website, outdated point.

      [*]The list of things that may or may not be added

      • Item maniac and high level areas in every region, somewhat implemented (there are item maniacs everywhere and high level areas)
      • Battle Tower, implemented
      • Game corner, somewhat implemented (it is as good as it gets)
      • Bank system for PRO, won't be a thing ingame but will be on the website to some degree (as good as it gets)

    • This guide (click here) should be replaced with (click here)given that the second guide is more updated, accurate and will be updated if anything changes.

  • random number generation

An acronym for "random number generator" or "random number generation", it refers to the process by which computers generate apparently random numbers, essentially the computer equivalent of 'chance'.

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