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Bug for boat no entry [SOLVED]


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You need a ticket to enter. This ticket is in Bills House.


To go to Bills house, go north of Celurean then head east trough the forest. You'll see two medium house. Iirc, its the first house you nead to go into.


Talk to Bill and he'll ask you to find his book. The book is under the pillow.


After this, he'll give to you SS Anne ticket.


Good luck and have fun!!:SnivyBad:


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Hello here I just spoke to surge in vermillion city and normally I normally afterwards I try to get back in the boat and it does not want you could help me


Hi there. You'll need to go to Bill's house first, North of Cerulean then East. You'll need to find his book for him, it'll be under his pillow. Afterwards he'll provide you with an SS Anne ticket.


Let me know if you need anything else.

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it's good I managed thanks to you it's just me who did not have it lol in any case thank you for helping me again I thought it was a bug but I was wrong =)

Glad to hear that your issue has been resolved. If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to ask. With that said, will now be locking this thread.


Good luck and have a great day!


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