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Legendary Johto Quest Bug - Celebi


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I had followed legendary quest guide by staff



When its reach scientist , he is give me the dog bell , but i dont have celebi yet


So i get back to take GS Ball from Npc but its doest work *in screenshoot


Help me xD[ATTACH=full]26319[/ATTACH][ATTACH=full]26320[/ATTACH]


Hey[uSER=177203] pendekarwm,[/uSER]


firstly, you dont have to do the whole Celebi quest in order to catch a legendary Dog. It is enough to have the three seen data of the legendary dogs, like you already have.

At this point you can go for your dog and try to catch it (I see you already have suicune caught) and also can continue the Celebi quest, but for the Celebi quest you need all possible caught data of the Kanto/Johto dex and at least 121 evolutiones, which you havent.


So, everything is intendet how it is in your case.


A very quick overview:


Legendary dogs quest and Celebi quest:

1. Get the Gs Ball

2. Get the seen data of All Dogs and Ho oh and Lugia


Celebi quest:

3. Get the other requirements (Caught data and evolutiones)

4. Go back to Ray and recive the GS ball (!)

5. Go to Ilex forest get Celebis seen data

6. Interact with the shrine and catch Celbi


Legendary Dogs quest:

3. Go to Scientist Rey and ask for a bell

4. Defeat the proper guardian and hope for a legendary encounter


I hope everything is clarified now, let me know if you still have any questions regarding this topic. :)


Regards Xylos

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