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Ive caught an Clamperl, evolved it into an Huntail (ID: 18597963) and it appears to have no OT (Hannah thinks so too).


Is there any way for me or someone to fixs this ?


Best wishes,



Had you traded it before the ID of the pokemon had been saved? It usually takes 4 minutes or so to save its ID, you will have to relog again and again until it saves the id. If you trade before it is saved, the ot will be gone. Keep this in mind. I think you will have to get a new one sadly. Hope this helps. Have fun



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Thank you Warden for your fast and clear response. I will be more aware in the future. Good luck !

Hi there. A staff member has put in a request to have your OT fixed for you. This is a well known issue and unfortunately, trading a pokemon before it has its ID number assigned may cause the OT to become blank. I'll let you know when your OT has been fixed.


Let me know if you need further help.


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Ive caught an Clamperl, evolved it into an Huntail (ID: 18597963) and it appears to have no OT (Hannah thinks so too).


Is there any way for me or someone to fixs this ?


Best wishes,


Hi there. Your Huntail should now have its OT registered. Can you check that for me?


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Ive caught an Clamperl, evolved it into an Huntail (ID: 18597963) and it appears to have no OT (Hannah thinks so too).


Is there any way for me or someone to fixs this ?


Best wishes,


Hi there. If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to ask. As your pokemon's OT is now restored, will now be locking this thread.


Good luck and have a great day!


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