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  1. Past hour
  2. I want to buy 700k cutiefly when you are online
  3. Today
  4. so-250k min bid-50k insta-1.5m end time 24 hrs after 1st bid GL BIDDING
  5. @Pranilsht Once an auction starts, you can no longer cancel it. However, if no bids have been received (thus, auction hasn't been started) you are free to cancel it anytime. You should change the title of your thread to "closed", "cancelled", "sold" or anything similar in order to let others know your intentions. As you have been advised by @Vatevuoktliek, reporting the post via Report Button will notify Trade Moderators to lock your thread. Since your situation has been solved already, I will now close this thread as well. Don't hesitate to reach out for assistance again anytime when needed. Have a great day!
  6. Greetings @Pranilsht As requested, I have locked your thread. Kind regards
  7. Hit the report button and request to close the thread. If there are no bids, mods will lock the auction.
  8. @Jematthie you have won the auction. Please message me in game or here to arrange the trade.
  9. Can I cancel my auction before it is started?? I posted an auction of mawile in forums few minutes before but NO ONE HAS STARTED THE BID. And I wanted to know if I can delete the auction as many of them are hunting mawiles and mawile is pretty common in game and most of them mightAlready have good mawiles atm due to the commonness. I want to delete for time being and will do auction again after few months. And, to be fair, I don't want the auction to be deleted if auction started as I am okay with the starting price, but if noone starts can I delete the auction by any chance? And if yes, how? Thank You PranilSht
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