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Everything posted by Piproom

  1. Bro fix ur post. Read the rules before u post a thing.. a lot of information needs to be given before you post an auction
  2. END: 21 UTC April 27) i won ^^. where do we meet?
  3. I'm selling mantine again. I have no idea what r u talking about. I'm not interested in trying to understand u anymore. I'll let admin do their job. I didnt do anything wrong. Didnt lie. Didnt mislead. Nothing.. u keep on chaging ur story. I'm not interested. The facts r that u make a bid and got back on it time and time again.
  4. All this picks r after shadows bid
  5. Last pic. All I took ss from. Didnt do it from the beginning. Didn't thought I'll come to this
  6. Too bad ur joke cost u (it certainly costed me)cuz u didnt PM me after. I wouldn't have posted it on forum and none of this would have happened. If u say u PM me after prove it.
  7. Read the rules on forum sales on auction. Offers r final and cant be retracted
  8. Again. Stating the facts and following the rules ain't blackmail. I'm just asking exactly that.. punishment to those who doesn't follow them. Couldn't care less if u pay or not. Its up 2 u. I also think shadow Is the one who should be banned. But still dont play nice guy card. I'll post as that I have just to show the facts. Sadly dont have them all. But most of them at the end. Them Shows u backing out again
  9. I have our conversations in ss. U should apologize.
  10. I dont really know u. U did offended me and im not hearing an apology. Leave that aside. I also dont know what u buy o dont buy. I'm just stating the facts.. and I can support them. I did nothing wrong. Yet u called me stupid... I'm acting according to rules. And I get this.. a guy who calls me stupid and a fake bidder.
  11. This pick and that offer wasn't sent to me. Dont know what's that got to do anything with this trade.. xise firstvoffer to me was insta at 1.2m. I accepted. The he backed saying he would only offer 900k and I told him I would do the auction. He was ok with it.. when the guy shadow denied his offer. Xise told me that i was stupid for the way I handle it. That he withdraws his offer. Later next day he tell me he feels bad for it and that he will buy it. Asks me to change some moves. Which I did. And told me to go lyly to make the trade. I went and before we did the trade he disconnected. Later he told me he wouldnt buy because he spent the money. I told him to post that on forum
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