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Everything posted by Piproom

  1. 700k
  2. Ill go online in game in a sec
  3. Start tange
  4. 2.5m
  5. I suggest 2 time formats.. one normal 90 secs. And another call it a "bullet game" 45 secs. When u start looking for a match u just choose which time format u prefer to play. Also forfeiting button is needed.
  6. He did. But to my knowledge u didn't bid in the time the auction was open. So u dont have a claim. And To say that u where going to bid Is also invalid. Ur post was made at 3am. Long after those 15min u r talking about. If u where to bid in that time.. u would have had made ur complaint there, in that time frame. Leave guy in peace he did nothing wrong
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