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Everything posted by Sayedkhairill

  1. why legend mount. it for pvp shop it can be add. for pve it cant bro.
  2. put sold if u have been sold it lol
  3. Selling Xmas Dratini Auction 1 Day. Insta 2m5. C.o 1m6. Min Raise 50k Check My Post.
  4. Hydreigon Mount Garchomp Mount Dragonite Mount Flygon Mount Flying Broom
  5. solve yet
  6. Slowbro nature and the bird one nocturl
  7. Bump no answer.
  8. Hello. Im here to report bug after maintanance for ended halloween map. But, when i use escape rope i back to necro pc then i go out i see im still in necropolis.
  9. add my discord Sayedkhairill#8834 it will easy to know when u online bro..
  10. Bro pm me in game Sayedkhairill u win
  11. Ok Will now be start. 3 days. Sorry for lated reply im busy in working. :D
  12. Start Auction For 3 Days After First Player Bidding. Start 500k Insta 2m5. Rules: I Have The Right Power To Cancel My Auction If I Dont Like The Finale Bidding. TQ.
  14. Hello. Please help me. Can u get a chance to caught darkrai again ??
  15. I dont know what happen and what is this mean. Why i cant enter to the castle again. Please help me. I dont understand this event. Is the bug or what ? 3 hours more try to figure out. Please help me.
  16. Hey. I wanna post my thread for pvp rank. I have 3 match with stuck in battle pvp. I dont know why. I already make 3 disconnect because like 20min - 40min waiting when i and the other player was battle. Please check this issue with pvp. I was sad because my record and rating was down because of stuck battle. Please solve this. #Silver Server
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