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Everything posted by Sayedkhairill

  1. I just want to inform if i got bug with wq ealier because i have submit 363 ivs then the last one i submit i dont know because it already last time. And after that world quest over and i dont get mysterious ticket. Can any staff check if i got bug with that or i have low ivs after the last chatot i submit. Please check it.
  2. I wanna battle the suspiciou bot at johto. But, when i come there i see it have some bug i cant click it to battle. The name of suspicious bot on pc was going up to wall. Please solve this any staff.. ty
  3. Hello. I want to report about this bug. Actually i want to evo nincada into shedinja but, she still evo into ninjask. I already make a empty slot in my team. U see. Still evo ninjask. Please help me to evo it.
  4. i offer 650k IGN : Sayedkharill Be Smile :)
  5. IGN: Sayedkhairill Pvp Rating: 1 Not Pvp Now Coz Busy Working Anyway Vote For Nature Reroll Ticket: Yes Reason: Coz so many people waste so much money for the ticket just like me. Vote For Birth Island: Yes Reason: So many player got misses for the legend poke from event or server crash/maintanance. And I also Misses The darkrai.
  6. can i start 300k ?
  7. 1. Wts Shiny Voltorb 50k 2. Wts Shiny Gastly Epic Ivs Insta 150k IGN: Sayedkhairill Be Smile Guys :)
  8. I change a clothed and go to vermilion for a meeting in the messenge from system. For ur information i change a water clothed coz bring my corsola is blue colour so i change a clothed for being same colour. Then server crash. When server back i want change yhe fire cloak i see my fire cloak was gone. Please help me
  9. Hey. Can Anyone Help Me For The Item I lost After Server Crash Before. I Just Change My Water Cloak Then The Server Crash I Online Back After Server Up I See My Fire Cloak Was Missing. Please Help Me.
  10. Im online now give me ur discord user.. or online right now !! Just wasting my time..
  11. Still not online.. please take action. Already 1week+ he still not trade the poke..
  12. Nice all epic and godly shop..
  13. Lol online lorhh.. when u want online give me ur discord i add..
  14. Just add me now bro im online..
  15. [spoiler=Event pokes][ATTACH=full]29184[/ATTACH] How much for this ??
  16. i want to buy ratatta jolly 5k each
  17. so when did u want to trade it bro ? just waiting u so long man !!!!
  18. Already 3 days ? When u want to sell it to me. I win this aucion..
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