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  1. Good Luck Boys!!!!!!
  2. 1. What's your Player name (IGN)? onfireman 2. Number of hours played? around 350+ 3. What's your favorite Pokemon? talonflame 4. What country are you from? tunisia 5. How old are you? 26
  3. Why do you want to join Eternity? i'm trying to play with ppl since i have been playing all alone Real name / ingame name: onfireman How old are you? 26 Ur country/ which language(s) do you speak? tunisia i speak english french arabic Discord name+tag / how often u r online there OnfireMan#7256 as few hours a day What is your goal on pro/are you interested in pvp/already pvping? catching some rare pokes and yes i'm trying to build my pvp teams Screenshot of you https://gyazo.com/69a13902c051086eb4af1585acb10f05
  4. • Why do you feel you'd be a good fit for Toxicity?: -i'm trying to be the best outthere and i can't feel like i can do it alone so joining toxicity woukld be cool • Have you read our rules and eligibility, and can confirm you meet the criteria?: -yupe • What is your Discord Tag? (Ex: Name#0000): OnfireMan#7256 • Please attach your trainer card: https://gyazo.com/34b6fb6bd54b02481eda147e14419682
  5. Why do you want to join NoMercy? - i have been playing solo so i wanted to be a part of a guild and yours seems nice What can you contribute to NoMercy? -nothing comes to mind at this point other then one extra fun guy to be around XD Have you ever been banned in PRO, and why? - nope Other than having fun playing the game, what are your goals in PRO? -collecting rare pokes How old are you and other than English, what languages do you speak? -i'm 25 -arabic french english german and some italian What is your discord name and ID tag number? (Example: teerav#0975) -OnfireMan#7256 https://gyazo.com/47a3538918a6cd09a7fd11ccd7790ee9
  6. ● What's your Name/IGN? -OnfireMan ● How old are you? -25 ● Are you active in Discord? super actice ● Where are you from? tunisia ● What's your playtime?/How often do you play PRO? i try evry day for a couple of hours ● What's your goal in PRO? got to catch em all XD ● Why do you want to be part of Chaos? i wanted to be a part of a community and yours sound fun to be around ● What's your favorite Pokemon and why? talonflame ● What's your favorite animal and why? dogs
  7. i left the game i few months ago and now i'm back just to find that the servers are merged and all of my progress is gone do i have to build my stuff again .
  8. https://gyazo.com/2e1469609809de2d5d48592d25a5fd4d 1.5m onfireman is my ign in game
  9. Hey there, We'll need your full Discord Tag... being the name and the numbers after. Example#0000, for instance. my discord tag is ;OnfireMan#7256
  10. Hey there, We'll need your full Discord Tag... being the name and the numbers after. Example#0000, for instance. discord tag :OnfireMan#7256
  11. i would love to join your guild discord id is Onfireman https://gyazo.com/c7d618680c1d6ec338c6f43fa4d14973
  12. Well First of all let me inttoduce my self i'm OnfireMan from tunisia(that's north africa) and i'm a teacher i join this lovly game to teach you kids a lesson XD!!!! and i have been playing the game for 64 hours more or less and i got 16 badges so i'm on the grind for now to beat lance. and i just wanted to join a guild to find ppl i can talk to while grinding. now let's talk about what i like simple really Boxing,Video Game(Obviously),Anime and books (the art of war by sun tsu my favorit). hopefuly you guys find me intresting and invite me to join .
  13. i just started the game and the fact you are leaving this awsome game .......why man why!!!!! my favorite pokemon is salamance the dude look awsome, i just feel lucky more knowledge
  14. I would like to humbly intreduce my self my name OnfireMan I'm From Tunisia and for the lack of vocabulairy i'm a computer science teacher. now you may wonder why i'm here well as obvious as it may sound but i'm here to join you guild yes your eyes are not fouling you i'm applying to join your guild so moving on to the Form : 1-Can you use discord? well yes i can and i have a very fabulous voices. 2-What can you do for our guild(Why would we want you) .well depend on what the guild need i can confidently provide . 3-Can you be active on both discord and in game?well i can be very active on the weekends and holidays and late at night. 4-What is your favorite pokemon? abra(dont ask why). 5-How many badges and game play hours do you have?badges =16 hours played: around 64 hours hopefully you guys consider my application and accept me as member of your guild.
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