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About Greepwilf

  • Birthday 02/02/1990

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  1. ok i solved by restoring the older version of the amd graphics card driver, i think the problem was caused by some incompatibility between the amd drivers and windows 10.this notebook isn't fully compatibile with win10.I hope this post can help someone else who might have the same problem. Bye ;)
  2. Hi!i tried to install the client After not playing for a few months and something went wrong..i downloaded the client and unzip it but when i try to start the .exe an error screen appear for 1ms and the client crashes. If i disable any graphics cards the client start but get stuck on "validate game files". i tried to make an exeption on firewall and Windows Defender antivirus.i checked my .net framework and the version Is the latest (4.8). directx Is ok (12) the driver of the graphics cards are up to date and i tried to download from all mirrors.c an someone help me to fix this problem?very sorry for the bad english. i attach the error log about the crash with both graphic cards enabled error.pdf
  3. Hi guys! I would to report a small soundstracks bug! Sometimes the login soundtrack overlays the other soundtracks!it doesn't stop at login and overlays the "zone soundtracks"
  4. Thanks..she has reinstalled the client and the coin capsule appeared!thanks for your help and support have a nice day!
  5. Omg i wrong section can I move this thread in the right one?
  6. Hi!My girl has a problem with the refund of jet ski!She talked with Officer Worker in saffron city station,her jet ski disappeared from her backpack but she doesn't get coin!My girl doesn't know English and she skipped what the officer said X_X' Is this a bug or there are a reason for what happened?can anyone help us please?thanks and sorry for my English
  7. IGN: Greepwilf Playtime: 1200h Pvp Rating: 200+ Vote for nature Reroll: Yes Reason: if the sync failed on legendary pokemon the way for reroll it is very hard..if even ivs are bad (and probably they will be) especially the newbie player can get discouraged. Vote for Birth Island: Yes Reason: The Legendary is a Legendary..if you can caught more than one he loses his legendary aura :) so there are reroll ticket to change the nature and ivs of your own legendary.
  8. +1
  9. 19.19 Dedenne in wondrous site
  10. Thanks for your help!
  11. I read now that is because I failed the heatran quest and now I need to complete it to have back my candies!
  12. Hi..sorry in advance for my English but it isn't my language.today I realized that my rare candies are disappeard..from about 80 that I had that remain 3.after this my girlfriend check her candies and same issue..from 20/25 to 5 candies.can be it a bug or our accounts were hacked?what should we do?we have only an account and we spent time for farming..thanks for help I wait a reply
  13. Thanks for your job guys!
  14. Nice!go to bug catch!!!lol! thanks for your work guys!
  15. I search this togepi since from the event started.. 4/5 hour almost everyday and some day also 10 hours and i've find nothing! I heard about people that found it in some hours of farming!I understand that is also a lucky question..but I can't belive that there can be this difference!
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