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Everything posted by Futz

  1. Re: ~Laicram's Design Shop~ [ESP/ENG] [Yellow/Blue] <r><QUOTE author="Laicram" post_id="445703" time="1506105364" user_id="1053284"><s> </e></QUOTE> Here <E>:Smile:</E> <br/> <IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/dvRDFJ5.png"><s></e></IMG> <e> </e></QUOTE> very cool, thanks PM me later for payment xD</r>
  2. Re: ~Laicram's Design Shop~ [ESP/ENG] [Yellow/Blue] <r><QUOTE author="Laicram" post_id="445678" time="1506101447" user_id="1053284"><s> </e></QUOTE> I can't trade on Red Server yet, so...when i can, i'll tell you <E>:Crazy:</E> <br/> <br/> Thanks, for anything send me a PM <E>:y:</E> <e> </e></QUOTE> actually... could you make one more UB<br/> <br/> TEXT: POKEMON TRADER<br/> IMAGE: SHINY METAGROSS<br/> COLOUR: black silver</r>
  3. Re: ~Laicram's Design Shop~ [ESP/ENG] [Yellow/Blue] <t>will take it bro, i will pay now, are u online?</t>
  4. Re: ~Laicram's Design Shop~ [ESP/ENG] [Yellow/Blue] <r><QUOTE author="Laicram" post_id="445591" time="1506093671" user_id="1053284"><s> </e></QUOTE> Perfect, I added some additional images because of the fact that it looked very empty with only sprites. Likewise if you prefer, tell me and i'll modify it.<br/> <br/> <IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/svb6jqF.png"><s></e></IMG><br/> <IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/lhHuhpu.png"><s></e></IMG> <e> </e></QUOTE> i like the pancham one,<br/> can you re-do the charmeleon? make it cooler? the one with magikarp in your example looks good,</r>
  5. Re: ~Laicram's Design Shop~ [ESP/ENG] [Yellow/Blue] <r>1st UB<br/> • Text: Epic Collector<br/> • Picture: <URL url="https://www.roblox.com/library/169332593/Charmeleon-Party-Sprite"><LINK_TEXT text="https://www.roblox.com/library/16933259 ... rty-Sprite">https://www.roblox.com/library/169332593/Charmeleon-Party-Sprite</LINK_TEXT></URL><br/> • Details: Colour Gold and Black might be cool<br/> <br/> 2nd UB<br/> • Text: Pokemon Battler<br/> • Picture: <URL url="https://pixelartmaker.com/art/8e1406c4f344044.png">https://pixelartmaker.com/art/8e1406c4f344044.png</URL><br/> • Details: Green and black maybe?</r>
  6. Re: ~Laicram's Design Shop~ [ESP/ENG] [Yellow/Blue] <r><MENTION><s>[mention]</s>Laicram<e>[/mention]</e></MENTION></r>
  7. Re: ~Laicram's Design Shop~ [ESP/ENG] [Yellow/Blue] <t>I want Userbars<br/> -Epic Collector with cool design and cool colour<br/> -Battler with pancham as design<br/> <br/> thats for now....</t>
  8. Re: ~Laicram's Design Shop~ [ESP/ENG] [Yellow/Blue] <t>IM from red server, can i order broo??</t>
  9. Looking for: GENGGAR [TIMID] 31 speed, 30+ spatk, other IVs 20+ STARMIE [bold] Natural Cure all IV 23+ EVEE [Timid/Calm/Modest] H.A. All IV 20+ or close GARCHOMP [Jolly/Impish] H.A. Speed/Def 31, Atk/HP 30+, other IVs 20+ DRAGONITE [Adamant/Modest] H.A. Atk/Spatk 30+, other IVs 20+ TANGROWTH [Relaxed] H.A. All IVs 20+ Hidden Power Fire FROSLAS [Timid] H.A. Speed 31, Spatk/HP 25+, other IVs 20+ LEAVE ME PRIVATE MESSAGE SO I GET THE NOTIF TY!
  10. Re: futz's corner store (UPDATE SINNOH POKEMON) <t>UP UP UP</t>
  11. @shisa sorry not interested.. @Fuzuke 200k insta m8
  12. Re: REIRRAC'S INSTA SHOP (!!! BIG Update !!!) <t>COOL STORE</t>
  13. Re: WTS SHINY GENGAR MODEST <r><QUOTE author="Maxx" post_id="443629" time="1505705941" user_id="39412"><s> </e></QUOTE> 150k</r>
  14. wow i wish there is such jelly in red
  15. zapdoz not tradeable
  16. Re: wts h.a Dragonite <t>NOICEEEE!</t>
  17. Re: Main PRO Guides - Heatran Quest added! <t>Hello.... any sinnoh walkthrough guide yet???</t>
  18. [shadow=White]Futz's DISTRO[/shadow] Check out my collection, just leave comment here or PM me here or chat me in the game
  19. Looking for someone with a good ~ awesome drawing skills to draw an forum avatar for me... i will pay good for it ^^ if you interest just PM me
  20. as the title state.. also looking for any EPIC PVP POKEMON.. could pay up to 10m per pokemon thx..
  21. It's worked as intended.. i don't get this community.. something working perfectly you crying, something doesnt work as inteded you crying.. you just want an easy game for yourself, in that case you better play PS1 using gameshark ^^
  22. just check ur pokedex
  23. Re: Caspar Swag Shop I Team 10 Dab! (Updated 9/10) Lowered Prices <t>swagg</t>
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