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Everything posted by Kisameho5higaki

  1. Auction complete to Dekisugi. for way less than I thought it would go for :(, congrats though! Msg me when you're online
  2. Pokemon/Item being auctioned: Shiny Abra Starting price/point: 500k Ending point: 11:30pm EST 8/11/2020 Insta Price: 3.2m Available payments: Cash only no trades Minimum raise: 100k min raise SILVER SERVER ONLY
  3. Hey there Faded, I was looking to get back in the guild with you guys. I was an officer at one point but think I got booted after not playing for a few months. I have since changed my in game name from ItachiUchiha20 to Kisameho5higaki I miss my revolution peeps </3
  4. Heyy there staff peeps! I'm unsure if this has been posted before, but I think that having an option in the sound menu to turn off/on battle music would be pretty neat. This would allow the background music for whatever area/zone/building you are in stay playing during a wild pokemon encounter scene. I personally enjoy a lot of the zone music, but when you're farming for awhile, the constant restart of the battle music gets a little old after a bit lol. I'm not sure what creating a little check mark option in the sound menu or something of that nature would require on the coding side, or if that would even be feasible. I don't really see a downside too an implementation like this other than the initial work it would take to code in. I'd like to hear more from others if they would enjoy this feature, as well as if it's even possible. Thanks a bunch and keep up the incredible work you guys do for this game and community.
  5. 1. Itachiuchiha20 2. 1521 hours played to date 3. Lugia hands down. 4. 28... 30s lookin scary
  6. This is awesome so far, huge thank you for the time you're putting into this. the updated bosses threw me for a loop first time through :p
  7. Name Change Username: Kakarot20 New Username: ItachiUchiha20 Server: Silver
  8. Thanks for that extra slap in the face there but I dont think a verification post was necessary as there was no issue for you with the trade. Post officially closed.
  9. @Artorias yup you got it boss. @Pomelos all yours bud. message me in game when we both on
  10. I was not able to log on until the day after due to work-family responsibilities. If it is absolutely required then sure, its all yours as it is just a game. But I would rather not sell for 1.1m. Please let me know the final decision and thanks for the understanding.
  11. @Artorias Even though frowned upon, is it ok to say the offer was not high enough for me?
  12. I apologize all, but there were no buyers at the 72 hour mark. The auction has ended without a winner.
  13. Easter Munchlax - Thick Fat - Adamant - Good IVS Starting price/point: 1.1 Mil Ending point: 72 hours Insta 3.5 Mil Auction Rules: 100k min raise. If i am not satisfied with the highest offer, I can cancel the auction at any time. Happy Bidding!! ^_^
  14. Discord tag: a20b7s#4888 Server: Silver
  15. [ATTACH=full]41000[/ATTACH] 2.5m Start, 500k min raise 8m Instant Auction ends 72 hours after first bid hp fire
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