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Everything posted by Russodx

  1. Yes, I agree. But for these reasons, normal ranked PVP is much more rewarded with: * 1 PVP coin for every 1 victory * Top 25 wins a lot of PVP coins (top 1 wins 600 PVP coins) * 1 chest for every 2 victories * Top 25 wins a golden chest with a higher chance of getting rare items. The rewards for random PVP are much smaller than normal PVP, so it wouldn't be unfair to those who do normal ranked PVP since they are already 3x better rewarded. Remember that reducing the number of victories to get 1 chest in random PVP doesn't mean that we will win many rare items because we will still have to rely on the main thing for this, which is being very lucky.
  2. Hello, I would like to see the number of wins needed to win a chest in random PvP reduced. I know that in normal ranked PvP, you win 1 chest for every two wins, but I personally like it and do better only in random PvP. Currently, it takes 4 wins in random PvP to win 1 PvP chest, considering that rare items are really rare, it becomes a lot of effort accompanied by a lot of frustration. For example: I opened about 70 chests and got 68 TMS and 2 rerolls, that is, even if you reduce the number of wins to win a chest, it doesn't mean that we will get rare items easily, it will just be less frustrating. Reducing the chest gain for every 3 wins would already be very good.
  3. I agree! I would suggest that here. I have some epic legendaries/mythics, for example: my genesect is 28+ IVs, and if I get the specific reroll for the genesect I won't use it, since it's not tradable it will just sit there in the box without being used. It would be nice to be able to trade the rerolls of the legendaries I don't need for rerolls of the legendaries I do need with other players; or at least be able to trade them for PvP or PVE tokens.
  4. Aegislash sold
  5. Wts Epic Aegislash - 6m
  6. It's been 24 hours since my bid
  7. Wts combee accessory for 1m (SOLD) Exclusive item for the top3 in bcc with multiple players.
  8. Price check combee acessory?
  9. Hello, I tried to put weather ball on my Venusaur Modest in the tutor, but the message appears that it cannot learn. I tested it on 2 other Venusaurs, and the others learn, except for the Venusaur that I want it to learn.
  10. Improvements to the pokedex: * I would like to be able to view the mega evolved forms of Pokémon in the dex. * I would also like to be able to view Pokémon with regional forms in the dex, to be able to view their skins, e.g.: ninetales-alolan vday and so on. * I would also like to be able to view the shadow forms in the pokedex, currently we only see some shadow Pokémon when a player links in the all chat.
  11. I buy the Sinnoh story service.
  12. Random ranked PvP battles need an option to avoid being matched against guildmates. I haven't memorized the nicknames of even half of my guild, so it's hard to know if I'm battling a guildmate or not. Another suggestion would be the option to avoid battling the same opponent twice in a row. The last suggestion would be to improve the selection of random teams. It's really bad, for example, when you have 3 grass-type Pokémon and 2 bug-type Pokémon, and your opponent has Charizard, Ho-Oh and End of Battle.
  13. buy beedrill
  14. Buy volcarona, cloyster and Mamoswine.
  15. I called you on discord. I'm interested in some Pokémon.
  16. 6,2m
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