I think i suggested this in the past before. Personally, i feel that there are alot of pve items from bosses which are a bit "useless" and surely if you received /got many of them. There are lot of examples of these: Winter cloths, Some masks, ludicolo outfit and many more.
Some of these are "trade locked", others are not. For example logan Mask is trade locked, If you do bosses alot of times you might have recieved a few of those. In my eyes it makes no sence that some items are "tradeable" others aren't.
What i suggest: There is already an pvp item buyer in celadon market (You can sell only a few items here already for a decent amount of coins aswell (Tz clothes for example). What i suggest is that we would be able to sell all, or atleast more pve items received from bosses here. For example winter clohtes, in my eyes this is item that not many people want. It would be a good idea if we can sell those itmes here. The coins received would depend on how rare the item is (for example 25/50/100/125... coins.
It believe it would be a good idea if we are able to sell more of these unwanted pve itmes for pve coins to item buyer. Clothes / masks / ...