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Everything posted by Chappy

  1. Re: Guild leader bug <t>Sorry for being late, it will be fixed upon the next reboot of the game. The guild is on the Red server, right?</t>
  2. Think I'm pretty much self-explanatory about the rules on https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=99&t=18666
  3. Up to this point, everyone was activated.
  4. Due to the recently released PRO Blue server, people have been curious about quite a few different topics. Here are some answers to a some of the frequently asked questions. 1) Q: Will my MS (membership) that I have on Red transfer over to Blue? A: No, PRO's Red server and Blue server are not going to link MS status, thus if you have MS on Red, but you want it on Blue as well, you will need to donate for it on Blue separately. 2) Q: I have over 350 coins in my my account on Red, will I be able to spend them on Blue as well? A: Just like MS, you will not have your coins on Blue. Donations between each server will be held separately. Anything you've donated for on Red will stay on Red, and vice versa. 3) Q: I've gotten a lot of progress done on PRO's Red server, and don't want to start over if I go to Blue.. Any way I can fix that? A: No, Blue is a separate server from Red, that includes your saves. Anything that you have on Red (Pokemon, items, vanity items, etc.) will not be available to you when you log into Blue server. It's a fresh start, fresh character. However, your save on the Red server will stay. You will just have two separate saves between the servers... BUT you can use the same account on both servers, you will NOT have to create another account to play PRO's Blue server. Story-line and Map; Blue server is a separate server from red, created to expand the size of the PRO community, and create more room for more players. Story-line, Map, available Pokemon, etc will be the same as it is on Red. Trading; There are separate trading Forums for both Red (https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewforum.php?f=37) and Blue (https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewforum.php?f=109) when you plan to use the forums to trade, please insure that you're on the right Forum associated with what server you will be trading on.
  5. Remade the OT of those 3. Locking this.
  6. Well, seems I popped up into another suggestion. Let's see What we worked here for until now? To make the largest and best Pokemon MMO out there, not scrapping it around into short pieces, so that each owner and admins could just hack around their own mini-game, and show around with their own Mew, Mewtwo, Mewseven teams? Denied Increase how? We'll get only known as the ones who made the code, not the ones that created the game and maintained it until the end. You just explained yourself there, no need for me to reply on that one. That was our plan from the very begining, anyone who enjoys Pokemon is welcome to play our game (as long as they follow our rules). If you want to play, all you need is to have a connection to internet, something you can play PRO on and...well, that's it. Did I mention any moment about donating money? That because you don't have to do it if you want to play the game, it's your own choice to support us and receive back that marvelous Shiny Magikarp Mount :Heart: Hope my wall of text clarified our oppinion regarding what you suggested.
  7. Welcome, trainers, to the first PRO official Tournament. Here are the 93 warriors that participate in the arena: And the main battle course is shown and updated on https://challonge.com/SuicunePRO Along the rules posted on https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=99&t=15534, you will do the following: 1. Look for your opponent on forums/in game, in order to have your battle(use the all/battle channel to have better chances) 2. When both you and your opponent are ready for having a battle, look for Chappy, Singham or Deathwing in order to have him as a referee(if none are online, look for Chappy on Discord on Discord, he is usually there). 3. You will be asked to join a channel and post your team in there, so the staff watching you can validate your teams (you will also be teleported to random maps, so you won't see each other's starter, so use /battle opponent when the match starts, and between matches, you will be teleported to your latest PCs; PS: Don't use ropes to send yourself at the last PC, leads to disqualification). 4. Update the staff with the status of the battle after each round, so he can update. 5. You will have a maximum time of 5 minutes to remake your team(if needed) 6. If a crash happens, the round is nullified and restarted. 7. If you upload your Imgur album you sent after the starting of the event, you will be disqualified. 8. If you see the opponent using a non-permitted move, make a screenshot and pm that on forums. If you are wrong, the round is won by the opponent. 9. Be prepared for long matches, so have your eyes on the screen. If the referee PMs you and you don't respond in short time(max 15 minutes), you will be disqualified. Find your opponent, so you can establish a date and hour for having your match. If you don't find your opponent in game, reach him on forums at least , or you'll be disqualified as well. If your opponent didn't respond until the deadline, PM Chappy with the proof that you sent that PM to your opponent, so you can advance to the next round. Update. Second round will hold until 22-03,00:00 GMT+2, and after that, each round will hold 4 days each. Update. Third round will hold until 26-03, 23:59 GMT+2 Spartans! Sharpen your swords and prepare to battle!
  8. Hi, my odd doppelganger, if you have dialogue reports, post them on https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewforum.php?f=82
  9. Update: unlocked for new entries, as stated on https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=99&t=15534&p=95825#p95825
  10. Refunded. Locking this.
  11. OK, registrations oficially done. But if you registered on this post before the time expired, and you didn't send your teams, you have until 16 february GMT+5 0:00 to send your teams to me and Singham. Also, the participants list will be updated at most this hour tomorrow, so don't worry yet if you are not on the list. Further details will come soon.
  12. Moved to proper forum
  13. Well, I'll not welcome this kind of username in the game. Locking.
  14. Ok, please wait until the next reboot/crash, and you'll have it back
  15. Edited the main post, with a slight change of the rules about registration.
  16. Re: Suhu pls. <t>Glad you are having fun, but since the topic is going nowhere, I'll lock this.</t>
  17. Chappy

    an idea

    Lemme see your suggestions in order. 1. Just... why? Have something against females? Want to have less combees to be able to evolve? DENIED 2. That would be plain boring, making you basically relive the handhelds. And we also have hoehn+ pokemons out now, so wait until Sinnoh for a Bidoof? DENIED 3. So you basically want to sit in your chair at home, eating popcorn,while your guildmates farm for you?
  18. Do you think you're still in the magic world of handhelds, where everything is given out on a silver plate? Lemme show you what our first description was: In case you skip that, let me tell you the main word from that: MMO. If you usually finish a day in max 3 days, don't expect to go to a multi-player game and have the same average time. Don't like that we made the things a little harder? Go back to handhelds and enjoy your riding pony that took you from Kanto to Unova free charge, but don't expect us to do the same thing. We want for players to stick around a while and see the game we worked for. If you don't believe me when I'm saying that most MMOs will do that, feel free to leave, and go and check for others that offers you sunshines and rainbows.
  19. I believe you are playing from an Android device. If you want to continue your Sevii quest, try to use a desktop/laptop, because the maps aren't downloading on Android atm, or just call a staff member to teleport you to Vermillion. Sorry for any inconvenience
  20. The community was literally screaming at us and demanding a queue system, and after it was put up , you want it to be taken down? First, let me remind you that the game is still in BETA, and we are just a couple of people who make this game in our free time, not for us, but for each and every one of the members of the PRO players. We had this queue for like, a couple of days? An empire can't be built in days, and we certainly can't create a perfect game in a short ammount of time. The one in charge with that Queue System is Shane, and also the only one who works on that, who is also a father in the first place, and I believe that takes priority over any tiny game update. Besides that, he updates this game one step at a time, not having a vast knowledge of decades, or what you guys seem to expect from these comments. I make programs to live, and believe me, this is not an easy domain if you don't have passion or the will to work hard for it. But since you seem to be experts in the domain, send Shane a code of your perfect Queue System, and we'll all end happy. That said, feel free to continue enjoying PRO, or go to the other MMOs out there, and be happy with them, because you don't seem to enjoy our game. Chappy~
  21. Chappy

    Ǥods And Ƙarps

    You made this guild... and never invited me... :Frown:
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