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Everything posted by Beerusgod

  1. Godly pawniard or bisharp adamand defiant 31 speed paying very Well Zubat or evos ha jolly godly venipede ha adamand epic bold or timid volcarona hp ground naive infernape Budget 5m Paying very good post here your poke or pm ingame beerusgod
  2. 1.2m starting 1.8 insta 12 hours after the first bid
  3. Ima going to sell my epic lucario as you can see Starting 700k insta 1.2m +100k per bid 12 hrs auchion from the starting bid
  4. When legendary birds will come out. im playing 1 year and i caught all legendarys that i didnt know in the past and i didnt catch Moltres , Zapdos and Articuno yet. Can we have any ETA that you r planning to make them avaiable soon please?
  5. PvP POKEMONS CC=350k IV reroll ticket=700k Nature reroll ticket=300k [ATTACH=full]58601[/ATTACH] Xmas 300k [ATTACH=full]58603[/ATTACH] AV tank 500k [ATTACH=full]58604[/ATTACH] 400k [ATTACH=full]58605[/ATTACH] H.A. 1m [ATTACH=full]58606[/ATTACH] Skill link 31 speed 1.8m [ATTACH=full]58609[/ATTACH] 300k [ATTACH=full]58612[/ATTACH] 350k [ATTACH=full]58613[/ATTACH] 500k storm drain [ATTACH=full]58614[/ATTACH] 400k [ATTACH=full]58621[/ATTACH] HP ice MIX atacker 450k [ATTACH=full]58622[/ATTACH] hp fire 600k [ATTACH=full]58624[/ATTACH] 600k [ATTACH=full]58626[/ATTACH] mold breaker (top for megas) 500k [ATTACH=full]58627[/ATTACH] 400k [ATTACH=full]58628[/ATTACH] Prankster beast 2m [ATTACH=full]58630[/ATTACH] 31 speed 1.5m [ATTACH=full]58631[/ATTACH] Snow warning mix defender 300k [ATTACH=full]58632[/ATTACH] Mix t10 500k
  6. Migration is still posible?
  7. Auchion will end in 2 hourst
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