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Everything posted by Beerusgod

  1. C.O. 900k stormbreacker69 INSTA 1.5m 24HR FROM THE FIRST BID MIN BID 100K
  2. upload the picture
  3. This was 3 days.you change the time?
  4. start bisharp 650k and price for jynx?
  5. ok if he want to pass i could take it
  6. Beerus #6115 add me on discord
  7. if some1 have any better on any server feel free to upload it here
  8. B.o. 5m by neoraz insta:8m +100 each bid cc=350k 3days auchion
  9. 30 min left
  10. 4 hours left
  11. You dont need hp for bold nature Hp fire btw
  12. Min. raise : 200k Insta : 5m 24h to finish from first offer. CC=300K
  13. S.o: 2m Min. raise : 200k Insta : 5m 24h to finish from first offer.
  14. 4 hr left b.o. is 500k
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