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Everything posted by Beerusgod

  1. i want kanto johto hoen sinoh story pm pls discord acount : Beerus #6115 and pro name : Beerusgod
  2. starting price 1m 400k/bid 72hr auchion https://gyazo.com/8f922183715c8fbf582d01771ed00f02
  3. i ll take the bunelby 24-24 the venipede and the 180k ralts
  4. i ll take the 23-29 mawille
  5. i want to take alakazam(hp ice ) aerodaktyl and aegishlash quiet
  6. 800k starting price 24hr from the first bid +100k each bid cc=400k iv reroll is 700k PvP items=100k(scarf,band,life orb,....)
  7. 2.05m
  8. what time we can meet ? i cant find you
  9. start
  10. i will take the darmanitan
  11. i ll take Oshadowo medicham
  12. cant find you on discord add me Beerus #6115 or in game beerusgod
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