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About Srkenny

  • Birthday 07/27/1988

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  1. @Epithetjust tell me this can be resolved or not and why, i know they do a lot for us but i think i deserve an answer...
  2. It was just before 4pm on the 5th of November @Epithet
  3. I was contributing vermillion when the server crashed and got a rollback. When server came back I reappeared in sweetisland where I was hunting buneary. I went to check my box at the pokemon center of vermilion again and the first 5 buneary I donated were gone, when I went to check my contribution which was at 0.275% it had zeroed, I donated the rest to help, but unfortunately I lost the wq due to the malfunction of the server and I was harmed. Even so, it contributes with the remaining buneary on the pc and I only made 0.23%. I would like to be reimbursed, because I tried hard to hit the 0.5% goal and I did, but due to the server malfunction I was harmed. I thank you for your attention. Kenny
  4. Miracle eye worked, i think got a incomplete guide, because it didn't mention this only odor sleuth from growlite as a requirement. I already got gengarite. Thanks for your attention and sorry if I caused any inconvenience Please close the topic.
  5. I did the Darkrai quest before they put mega evolution, now Alucard doesn't let me enter the Dark Realm to redo it, I beat Honor without letting any poke faint and I beat Alucard to enter the Dark Realm, but after I win he tells me that "there's nothing for you here" and consequently I can't do the gengarite quest... I would like you to only give 1 reset in this part of the mission, so I can redo it...
  6. Charizard Gardevoir Zygarde
  7. sorry for the inconvenience, I made a mistake with the bronzor id to be recovered, this one I'm sure is the correct one, thank you for your attention
  8. i accidentally deleted my Bronzor, i wish you could restore it
  9. In my opinion this event was perfect, i played again this past Christmas and I took the event in this final race, i managed to get everything, some members of my guild complained about the difficulty, but they didn't even try to enjoy all the experience that the event provided, so i think it's unfair devalue a job as good as this. Just couldn't get the rewards who really didn't try was just complaining about the difficulty, because they were within everyone's reach, i did dungeon and zekrom quest without a guide, totally on instinct, and they were excellent. Without hard work and effort we gain nothing, even in a game.
  10. I got it by resetting his happiness and using Life Orb during day time. Thanks for ur help. o/
  11. I already tried to use it but it didn't help... I believe he needs the levelup with max happiness
  12. I would like them to Delevel my Riolu, he is at maximum and I made him gain level in day time (10~20 in poke time), I tried to do the same during the morning period (04~10 in poke time), but nothing happened, now he is lvl100 and i haven't been able to evolve him yet. Server: Gold Player: SrKenny Poke ID: 54015471
  13. Yes thanks. Now it looks like the quest will continue normally. Thanks for the help and sorry if I caused any inconvenience.
  14. I don't think it's solved yet...if you can't solve it, I'd like you to reset the quest, I don't see any problem starting it from the beginning.
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