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Everything posted by Kishanb1112002

  1. Is the problem solved?? Why no reply?
  2. Please write from what server you are. And Read this if you are from silver server there i one condition i mentioned how it can go cross-server. Also i accept your offer update^^
  3. (HP ICE) C.O : 2m on forum by MasterSam(Silver Server) Min. Raise: 250k Insta Price:8m Auction time :2 days (48 hrs.) From first offer. Ends on : 23 August 8:00 AM (IST) Accept CC 380k each//Reroll 680 No Fake offers Allowed Offer here or in game IGN: kishanb1112002 Good Luck!! For Cross server Pay 400k extra, i.e. (400k+your offer) or come to Gold Server.
  4. C.O : 2m by MasterSam on Forum(Silver Server) Min. Raise: 250k Insta Price:8m Auction time :2 days (48 hrs.) From first offer. Ends on: 23 August 8:00 AM(IST) Accept CC 380k each//Reroll 680 No Fake offers Allowed Offer here or in game IGN: kishanb1112002 Good Luck!! (HP ICE) For Cross Server Pay 400k extra,i.e. (400k+your offer) or Change your server to Gold.
  5. Wtb ev services for 4 poke Contact me IGN: kishanb1112002 Discord tag: Kishan#8685
  6. Real name / ingame name: Kishan Bhattar/ kishanb1112002 How old are you?: 18 Ur country/ which language(s) do you speak?: India/ English, Hindi Discord name+tag / how often u r online there?: Kishan/ Kishan#8685 / i am often online i just keep on switching from game to discord and vise versa. What is your goal on pro/are you interested in pvp/already pvping?: My goal is to become rich/richer/richest. Yes i do pvp battle some times but not often Screenshot of your trainercard: After u get ur application role in our discord it is important to socialize with us that we can see if you fit in our guild!
  7. Have good budget want them both. Ralts 31 spd other stats good. Snorlax all stats 20+ except spd and sp atk.
  8. I had past with this bug for 2 time still now. This bug works on Boss battles. This bug is with moves which damages the target on switching pokemons example stealth rock,spikes,etc. But i had just seen it with stealth rock not with other such atks so other moves might not be under this bug but it is surely with stealth rock. With this bug when the pokemon dies instantly after switching with stealth rock no other pokes come to fight after it and the atk option works and when we try to use a move the same pokemon which died earlier shows up and dies again causing boss's next pokemon die too and this keeps on going until all boss's pokemon dies. And finally at the end the battle stucks when all of boss pokemon die and finally we need to surrender or disconnect. Please solve the bug as soon as possible. It's make a lot of trouble. Thank You!!
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