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Everything posted by Kishanb1112002

  1. Plz do not comment on off topics
  2. 60day Ms for 300k??
  3. Ur price here or on me at discord at kishanb1112002#8685
  4. Is the underground is like a daily quest? Can we go there daily? And if then the hole for treasure room is same daily??
  5. I had already got 2 hunting offers so it will take a lot time
  6. Hi guys, I am starting a Pokemon hunting service with my friend. If you need something to be hunted for you then message us here or on discord @kishanb1112002#8685 or @devil_lover#3308. For something to be hunted for you please provide us the details in the given manner: Your IGN: Your discord I'd if u have: Name of Pokemon you want to be hunted for you: Ability: Nature: Your preference iv's(which you want): Acceptable iv's(which u can accept instead of preference iv's): Budget for preference iv's: Budget for acceptable iv's: Note:Proving acceptable iv's are mandatory. Acceptable iv's are those which are bit lower than the preference iv's. We have active Ms most of the time but not bms so h.a requirement huntings may take time We Won't take offer for Pokemons of tier 8&9 if they won't have a repel trick. Thank you.
  7. Offer me here or on discord for faster response@ kishanb1112002#8685
  8. .
  9. Plz unblock me from discord bro
  10. I want that ambiopom
  11. IGN:kishanb1112002 Playtime:570 hours(approx.) PVP rating:100(approx.) Vote for Nature Reroll Ticket: Yes Reason:random nature can take a lot of money to get the correct nature Vote for Birth Island: Yes Reason:completing the story gives only few legendary to catch and some remain uncatchable so it is good to get the birth island.
  12. ..
  13. I could pay 800k for it since low speed
  14. ..
  15. Budget no limit(weighing iv's for me :atk,spd) I need a epic one plz
  16. I buy cc for 250k each
  17. Can u plz start 200k?
  18. Nice idea. Should be added
  19. I want to sell my shiny aerodactyle I will sell it to the best offer The offers will start from 600k Min. Increment:100k No insta price Bid time:until I get a good offer I can decline any offer under my circumstances Thank you
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