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Everything posted by Kabarex82

  1. Hey. My name is kabarex82, i got 1,3k hours on the game, i love hunting and selling pokes. Also pvps sometimes. Im a lot online during the day, although sometimes i might be off due to irl responsibilities. Im 26yo from greece and i would love to join your guild.
  2. @Royalboss u won mate. Im vermi for the trade.
  3. 1h after start S.o 1k Min bid 1k No insta
  4. @Bhimoso u won both the hippos. Im vermi for the trade.
  5. Impish one 150
  6. S.o 50k each Min bid 10k No insta 24h after start
  7. @Lordleo100u won buddy. Im vermi for the trade
  8. 3h left
  9. 12h left
  10. Start
  11. Bump (s.o adjusted)
  12. S.o 3m Min bid 100k No insta 48h after start
  13. @Byuvyen u won bro. Im vermi for the trade.
  14. Ycu can check the time u bid and he bid. You can clearly see that its a 14min gap between your posts
  15. Nope. It was a minute or less before your bid stays for 15mins. Mods can check it
  16. @Byuvyen @Vatevuoktliek he literally bid one minute before it ends
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