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Everything posted by Hahahaka

  1. I hate to step out and ask what happen if xxxxxxxxx...................... but the management team never give out detail information when something big is going to happen on us never until we ask you said we won't lose any pokemon but how can you do that? what happen if we have 900+ after the merge? everyone knows the maximum number of pokemon we can store is 900 are you going to break that number to 67 pages? then what if we have more than that in 2 servers? are you going to store our pokemons into 2 computers connected to 2 different pools just like 2 servers? we have to know
  2. staffs have made another updated clothing and mounts showcase post https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/index.php?threads/★-clothing-and-mounts-showcase⎪updated-★.88635/ cubchoo hat is no longer available in hoenn as the boss deleted this hidden things guide is useful too, including kanto, johto and hoenn https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/28476-url
  3. OH WOW deleting something and hope an npc would give you another I think you have learned a lesson this time now you just have to catch another Spearow from the wild and give it to the police at bottom right of goldenord city you can check the pokedex for Spearow spawning location
  4. repel works when your 1st slot pokemon's level is higher than the wild pokemon
  5. I had reported an error with Sand Attack previously https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/84892-url Staff said it will be fixed in next client update Then a big client update came, with gen7 stuffs But Sand Attack disappears in Stoutland's egg move list
  6. genesect banned because of its overpowered ability and it has a large movepool can be atk / spatk / both for the "only add mounty and other things that you can buy for money" part, go check out the update log go count by yourself how many things implemented/fixed between 2 updates in coin shop how many things implemented/fixed after the last update in coin shop when was the last update in coin shop https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/index.php?threads/ingame-update-log.80420/ https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/3146-url
  7. sendoff springs is a map you "come out" not "get to" sinnoh walkthrough https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/index.php?threads/►complete-sinnoh-walkthrough-◄.78111/
  8. I think they just aren't high level enough try to level them to 80lv level haunter as higher level as you can and evo to gengar it's trade evo, you may ask your friends or staffs for help gengar moveset can be thunderbolt / shadowball / psychic (tm in saffron gym) / icy wind (a swimmer tutor in seafoam b4f) the reason why choosing shadowball rather than dark pulse, because both ghost and dark moves counter the same types (psychic and ghost) and poke will get x1.5 damage boost from using a move which is the same type with itself for example, water poke using water move ghost poke using ghost move, in this case haunter and shadowball you may get some rare candies from pokestop they are 2 days cooldown https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/37895-url some hidden rare candies https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/28476-url or 5k each buy from players from trade chat in game
  9. nightmare is not coded https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/28126-url
  10. maximum 900 pokemons at a time it's equal to the pokemons in your team plus the pokemons in the computer just fully fill the page 60 of the computer
  11. Victreebel doesn't learn Poison Jab in gen6 that's why they don't add Victreebel to Poison Jab tm teacher but now the game is in gen7 they should add it back
  12. if you want to train in a place with high level wild pokes, seafoam would be a good place there is a nurse at there too if you want to skip some gyms, you can't, you still need to beat all gyms to enter victory road
  13. from the previous experience of people keep asking help for the same thing, celebi caught dex can't prove you have complete all the requirements of catching legendary dog I think you should check out the 3 places where the dogs located https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/75116-url
  14. the dog stone requires 750+ hours playtime by the way you don't need the dog stone to catch celebi dog stone is for catching one of the dogs
  15. the trading system is bugged now you can't trade the 4th slot of your team or any other random slot ps. I can't encounter any cubchoo at route 216 for hours too I think there is spawning bug at there
  16. you need 120 dex from 1-151 and 38 evolve counts in general
  17. you can create a new account here https://pokemonrevolution.net/register.php
  18. interact with the cuttable tree / breakable rock just like how you cut the tree with cut / rock smash they have unlimited use
  19. you can report that guy with screen shot https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/index.php?forums/red-server.40/
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