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  1. I tricked my choice specs while trsining my mon, and fainted the other poke. There is a way to recover them?
  2. Noivern Sold to RayNoHope
  3. Auction starts: 600k Min raise: 100k Insta: 1.8m The auction will end three days after first bid
  4. Auction starts 600k Min raise 50k İnstant 1.5m The auction end 3 days after first bid
  5. Base offer: 600k Duration: 3 days after first offer Name in game: Lucass11ITA
  6. I wasted a black medallion that i paid because it impossible to hunt in theese condition, i would like to be refounded. Also loss agains one of the most remunerative boss due to connection loss, quality of server is becoming the biggest problem of this game and I hope players dont lose intrest because of this.
  7. I did as you said and now I got an un happy lvl 100 charmeleon, sorry to bother you again but could you delevel it once more? im sorry again, but i dont know what else to do
  8. In-game name: Lucass11Ita Server: Silver Pokemon ID and/or screenshot: my chamander 43969450 evolution popup didnt appear and i wasted 2 rare candy
  9. Ciao raga! Lucass11ITA aggiungetemi :) speravo ci fossero italiani qui
  10. The list of available pomemon in PvP it's currently not available. Could you please fix this? I don't know where to start in building my team otherwise.
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