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Evilprotagonist last won the day on May 30 2022

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1 Follower

About Evilprotagonist

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  1. Gren: 2.3m mawile:1.5m kang: 300k aegish: 1.5m chansey:1.2m dragonite:3m pinsir: 600k alakazam:350k sableye:300k oh right.. and a prestige mount for 20m aswell.
  2. Win/lose ratio against Hard bosses.... and make it public
  3. name: evilprotagonist server: gold timezone: gmt +2 Rank: 7 (april)
  4. title
  5. start 400k hydreigon
  6. auction start 400k. 48hour after start. insta 2m.
  7. player name: evilprotagonist showdown name: IAmPruneJuice server: gold time zone: gmt+2 rank: 19
  8. Title. Basicly a quality of life update that ya can hopefully implement UWU ^^
  9. -1 nah dont, not going be much "random" if we are just going to stream-line it. Besides random battle were suppose to be light-hearted for fun battles, not a sweaty grindfest. Keep it random like the name Random battle ^^
  10. alright gratz you have won the auction, pm me here or in game for the trade.
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