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  1. Start offer 10m min. bid 1m Auction will last for 24h after the starting bid. Accept pokedollar & CC (400k value) no insta
  2. Soppie


  3. Soppie


  4. Soppie


  5. I just hope these halloween forms are not as rare as the summer forms. Coz my god what a grind this is
  6. Auction closed. Congratz to the winner @Kombu Thank you all for participating. I will contact the winner via a forum dm. Thread can be closed.
  7. Ey I got a couple for you. I tried to get one myself too to beat some bosses with. I can't log in the server though, for some reason. Idk if the servers are down or anything, if so, pm me when they are up. Ingame name Sefanne
  8. Auction Start Friday 22:49 GMT +2 Auction Ends Sunday 22:49 GMT +2
  9. Starting Bid 500k Mininum bid increase: 50k Auction will run for 48 hours after the first bid
  10. Soppie


  11. It's maintenance.
  12. bump. insta 600k
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