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Everything posted by Ashnl

  1. I have the same problem i also cant login as for my friend he can and we both did the same thing
  2. Welcome to pro
  3. Welcome to pro
  4. welcome back to pro
  5. Heey and welcome to pro
  6. What is your Discord tag? [ṧηαкεℌεαⅾℕḺ #1262] How often do you use Discord? // Everyday If you could improve PRO's Discord with one suggestion, what would it be? 1. A new Roll called Pro helper for those who has questions in support // or other questions instead of players that give false info. 2. Discord event's // For example: Exclusive Theme for Discord 3. A rate my Pokemon channel
  7. Heey welcome to the forums and hope to see u in game
  8. Welcome to the forums and enjoy your'e stay
  9. farewell good luck with everything
  10. Welcome to the forums
  11. Welcome to pro i hope u going to like it here
  12. welcome to pro
  13. sad to see u go i hope u do come and play time to time and come back when ever u feel ready again
  14. Welcome to pro
  15. Heey welcome to pro i hope u have a great time here
  16. They did a great job on the event cant wait. Wat they have more in store for us
  17. Welcome enjoy your adventures in pro
  18. Welcome to the forums hope u have a great time ingame
  19. Welcome to the forums i hope u have a great time here and also in game :Cool:
  20. see u later and :thanks: for everything sad to see an old player from pro goes :Frown:
  21. I'm also recently back playing again for about 2 weeks now and i love it every moment
  22. Event is open in viridian city ! :D (Also how long does this event last ) the whole months or just a few weeks ?
  23. Ashnl


    so what u are saying its only in shield forme, and not in blade forme
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