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  1. @1rahuli already implemented that but that branch is so far behind the current code that I cannot just merge.I will have to redo it The reason I didn't merge back then was because I couldn't figure out the UI/UX part and prioritised other features. I'll try to look into it when I can.
  2. Fixed the Nidoran issues, please download the new client from the links from the main forum post. Thanks to @Archfndweavile and @Pregster for brining this bug to my attention.
  3. @Pregster @Archfndweavile Thank you for bringing it to my attention, will look into it. (Likely this weekend)
  4. Big shout out to the artist
  5. @Heliosito The code currently lacks tests, type checking, and overall structure, making it messy and in need of significant refactoring. I plan to clean it up and make it more maintainable before opening it up for contributions. I guess that will be the next thing I work on.
  6. New Version Out: 1.2.0 Change Log 1.2.0 Added time awareness and time-based counting. Reworked Export, Import, Reset, and Start/Stop button styles and positioning. Added a dropdown table for time-based tracking. Added time display for Morning/Day/Night. Removed Compact Mode and reworked the size of the app and table proportions. Improved app window height management. Made multiple code improvements for better readability, maintainability, performance, and functionality. Updated Download Links in the main post I am a solo developer with some friends from my guild who help with testing on different OS, so if you find any issues, bug or have any suggestions feel free to PM me on Discord or in-game, contact details on the main post. PC: Credits to @Karyoplasma for removing the biggest obstacle to implementing Time Awareness.
  7. Damn bruh @Karyoplasma, thanks for that. Definitely way trivial than I imagined thanks to you. Also appreciate the code man.
  8. Android (cause screw apple greed)
  9. Serious categories Friendliest: Lacomus Wittiest: Chiragk (definitely misspelt that one) Funniest: Mizo Easiest to talk to: Lacomus Most trustworthy: Kitretsu05 Most helpful: Darklives666 and Manav Most influential: RhP (cause staff powa) Most intriguing: Toko Favorite guide maker: Bhimoso (idk anyone else) Favorite guild: Reinders Best discussion sparker: Sachet For fun categories Most likely to catch a sync fail rare or shiny form: hopefully Souls Most likely to encounter a shiny or rare form and click run: again hopefully Souls Favorite staff member: Norex Player who says they're retiring but not retiring yet: Melon Favorite PRO Pokemon form: Halloween Mega Luca (2023) Favorite Pokemon: Not Pikachu
  10. New Version Out: 1.1.0 Change Log 1.1.0 - Added Plus, Minus, and Delete Actions (new feature) - Improved Setup - Improved Detection of Pokemon whose name starts with 'S' - Added Double Click prevention for Start/Stop buttons
  11. @Xtrayellow I've also noticed tracking issues for Pokémon names starting with 'S.' I've identified and fixed the issue, so you can expect improved accuracy in the next release, along with a new feature!
  12. @Sgtxsellotape Thanks for your feedback! Here’s what I think is causing this issue and some suggestions for handling it: Why this might happen: The OCR (Optical Character Recognition) system isn’t 100% accurate. If it fails to detect “beldum” in a frame, it can sometimes mistakenly register the next accurate detection as a new encounter. This is similar to what happens if you switch tabs, but here it’s caused by occasional OCR misses. A few questions to help us troubleshoot: How long were you AFK? Knowing this can help estimate how often the OCR misses detections in a given timeframe. Possible Fixes (and what I’m working on): 1. Add edit options to adjust count values directly within the app (coming soon as a new feature!). 2. Differentiate the “no encounter” state to avoid confusion between missed OCR detections and real breaks between encounters. In the meantime, I recommend pausing the tracker if you need to step away. And please keep us posted if you notice other patterns! Thanks again
  13. New Version Out: 1.0.4 Change Log 1.0.2 - Improved setup significantly. - Added Pokémon list cross-referencing, making OCR spelling mistakes impossible. 1.0.3 - Added "Always on Top" feature. 1.0.4 - Fixed "No Match Found" issue. - Fixed Phantom Pokémon issue. - Fixed the app not picking up certain Pokémon like Staryu and Shellder. - Added better recognition for when there is no encounter. - Added one decimal place to the percentage (eg. 12.3%) - Added new feature: Compact mode. Note: The links for the new client have been updated in the original post.
  14. @Master100 This app is built on a framework called "Electron," designed to develop desktop applications. As such, it does not support Android, a mobile operating system. Therefore, there is no possibility of an Android version of this app. Creating an Android app would require starting from scratch and learning about Android app development. Given these requirements, it is safe to say that an Android version is not feasible. @Vangogsan I understand your fear of getting banned. I have brought your comment asking for confirmation to the staff's attention. That being said, I'd like to try to alleviate your fears regarding using this app. Here are a few reasons why this app is considered safe: According to the PRO Rules, which I've quoted here: > 5. Using any kind of unauthorized software, hacking, or editing the PRO game/client is prohibited. Unauthorized software includes: > - Any kind of automated software (Bots, Macro). > - Software which injects into PRO's files to give unfair advantages (Speed hacking). > - External software that gives unfair advantages, which is not endorsed by PRO. 1. TrackerBee does not perform any automation. 2. It does not inject into PRO's files. 3. It does not give you any unfair advantages. Therefore, we are not breaking any rules here. If that is not enough evidence, I'd also like to point out that if this app were not allowed, this forum post would have been taken down immediately as soon as staff noticed it. I am sure they have noticed it since at least three staff members have interacted with this post by liking or commenting on it, and I would have been banned. Neither of these things has happened. This app does exactly what BetterFarm does, and if you consider BetterFarm safe, then there should be no qualms about using this app. If you are not sure about BetterFarm's acceptance by the staff community, you can check the pinned messages in the PRO Discord, and you'll find the download link for the app pinned there by staff/para-staff. I hope these arguments have alleviated your fears. If not, you can wait for the staff to comment on this post addressing your apprehensions.
  15. @Vangogsan This is completely safe. And won't lead to a Ban If anyone claims this app led to their ban, they are hiding the real reason behind their ban or they have no idea what they are talking about lol. I can make a long list of reasons why this app is safe but I believe it is unnecessary as it is Common Sense.
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