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Everything posted by Flauschefeli

  1. @GhettoBagHead sorry but u got way to less hours u can apply again with 100 hrs playtime
  2. @Mohit15 u dont met our requirements u can apply again as soon as u do
  3. @GOLSAW Please apply again when u got 150 hrs or 20 pvp points instead
  4. Finished johto e4 and 150 hours playtime
  5. @Jayanth123 please apply again when u finished johto and got 150 hrs or as a special offer get 15 pvp points instead
  6. @Jhadis @Andilo ihr könnt euch gerne bei uns bewerben allerdings läuft alles bei uns auf englisch eine deutsche gilde gibt es nicht auf gold https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/85609-url
  7. @siddharth2004 10 leftovers = 25k u have discord profiles in the first post write us there or join our shop discord
  8. @Jirach best offer we can make is 120k
  9. @atoombom2014 ive actually added u in discord otherwise https://discord.gg/vxPuRqB write here and i will talk to u
  10. @TomateSL please write me your full discord name with #
  11. @AlvarathorXPKM please write me your full discord name with the #number otherwise i cant add u
  12. @Jayanth123 Right now we cant accept your application but u can apply again after u met the requirements mentioned on the first page. :)
  13. nope its 25k and what zorua you want?
  14. @siddharth2004 u can join our discord as soon as the server goes online we can sell them to u https://discord.gg/DGXP3ag
  15. wtb the timid untrained eevee for 80k
  16. why the gms ignore this :(
  17. Hello i would like to buy the hp fly snivy
  18. https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/85609-url/?do=findComment&comment=499121
  19. Good idea would like that feature
  20. Name in the Game: FlauscheFeli How many Hours game play do you have currently? 150 How many badges do you currently have? 24 Do you know the differences between IV's and EV's? IV's are given upon catching the pokemon. IV's getting trained by defeating different Pokemons. Your discord username: FluffyFeli#0169 Are you an active member that enjoys communicating and helping other people? Yes Why do you feel you would make a good member of our guild? I hope so! i like to help and interact with friends.
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