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Everything posted by Mayelesa

  1. The problem is not if there is a command or not, the problem is where the "command button" is placed in the list. If you missclick, there is the risk not to have your guild back. It happened to me but I was luck he was an honest person and he gave the leadership back to me. That why using command will be better for not misclicked
  2. Yup, having comment for invite and something stuff for guild, so why not have command for promote to guild leader. Understandable...
  3. Any reason for that? I recommend you should read it before suggestion https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=16416
  4. Well you don't need to use subway at all, I never using subway also :Shy:
  5. https://pokemondb.net/pokedex/inkay shake it hard :P
  6. Nah, it still make people to clone nick and attempt to get better legend, 350+ hours is not long enough for people "don't clone nick for farm legend". Better not trade and make 1 people only can have 1 kind of legend is better
  7. You are actually worse off. Just because it isn't game breaking doesn't mean you aren't at a disadvantage. Every other pokemon in the game has a method of re-catching except these. Also celebi is very strong in pvp. It functions as a baton passer or bulky support pokemon with utility moves such as stealth rocks, heal bell, thunder wave, etc. As you said, the best idea draw from your point is ban legend from pvp, so you will not say "Putting unlucky players at a permanent disadvantage in pvp is a bad idea" Everyone then will fair then. And bear in mind that pvp not belong to only 1 pokemon also, it is the strategy and also how to deal with team :/
  8. Look hear good ideas, however, have many issues for that implement. First, people can abuse to re-catch it for good iv/ or incase they fail syns (they can abuse to release/attempt to crash after it and try to re-catch). Second, dev also need to make sure between the people crash issues and people abuse for the 1st reason. The killed for mistake also need to consider - as it the mistake of people and will no re-catchable for these guys. So many thing to check, and so many thing for avoiding abuse from players. I know it soudn good for people who crash, however, what happen if players abuse and bugs also.... And also in PRO legend only catch for collection, not attempt to pvp too (nothing free win in here)!
  9. Re: ♥ Mayelesa Day Care ♥ Pokemon Kanto and Johto now <r><QUOTE author="Caspar"><s> </e></QUOTE> Your poke can be around 2-3 days depend on the situation of server. But it in process atm ^^</r>
  10. Re: ♥ Mayelesa Day Care ♥ Pokemon Kanto and Johto now <r><QUOTE author="Stojaz"><s> </e></QUOTE> Sorry but atm, I am only do service daycare in Red</r>
  11. Re: ♥ Mayelesa Day Care ♥ Pokemon Kanto and Johto now <r><QUOTE author="Caspar"><s> </e></QUOTE> Hi, your order is<br/> Bronzor 252Spdef|126def|132hp = 53k + level 34 to 100 = 139k<br/> Total cost is 192k<br/> I am online now btw</r>
  12. Re: ♥ Mayelesa Day Care ♥ Pokemon Kanto and Johto now <r>Bump <E>:Grin:</E></r>
  13. Enjoy your game :)
  14. Welcome to PRO ^^
  15. The Auction House planned
  16. Pokemon link in private chat - was been suggest before, also the good ideas Sandbox game - not think it can implement as each players will need to be each map data for it. So many resources spending in here. Neutral idea btw Division chat - No it is really bad ideas. You can change your idea as showing the text for now Kanto or Johto pokemon when click the link of Pokemon Party - neutral ideas, although you can communication with team through the private chat (channel)/guide or PM 2v2 - planned. why still request? Drop object - No, because you can take item from wild pokemon already by covet/thief? So why it need this implement?
  17. Exactly, Mew or some others legend will never worth for pvp, so please keep it PG. And these legend only for your collection and trophies, nothing more. So why it will be the problem for not get it? Because you cannot trade it also. And I don't think people only spend 1 hours per days in game. Bear in mind that PRO is MMO, spending time is requirement for that. Not like handheld, you can rush it and then done!
  18. The requirement for unlock something is never wrong system. There are so many game have similar kind of this requirement of hour played for get reward/achievement. And it also not impact to your story process! Why you frustrated? This is MMO, and Mew is legend - why should easy to get it? It need to have served for hard requirement! I still think the requirement still easy for get Mew in PRO :etc: The hard you get, the more you pleasure!
  19. ^^ welcome to PRO
  20. The staff are doing everything they can to make sure the server stability is as good as it can be. There's no significant reason for them to keep us updated on every thing that happens, thats why we have https://no/statuschecker/ Well to be honest i don't get your point, i didn't say they are not working. I'd appreciate if the staff could open a topic and put it as "important". Something like "We're having troubles about the server stability, we're working hard in order to fix in it. We guess we'll fix it approximatily before 2017". That's an important issue that makes everyone impossible to play , imho they should give us more information. They was said it overtime "We're having troubles about the server stability, we're working hard in order to fix in it" and it also the top priority of staff. About the approximatily, it is nearly impossible to tell you as the sources and staff is not fixed, and what happen if they are really don't know when it will fully fixed? How they can surely to tell you and the point of why not tell time is "don't say anything which you are not sure about it"
  21. If I understand this correctly, this still does NOT mean, that the spawn of pokemon via headbutt i individually diffrent. It just means the data is stored somewhere else. Couldn´t somebody (I am sure there are people to volunteer) manually transcribe that data into the pokedex? Why not even make it another ingame sink? A small questchain (+ ~200k Money) to upgrade your Pokedex to finally show headbutt pokemons? From my understanding. It mean that each tree can seem likely NPC. And as every tree will have several data contain. Thus, no summary data (the data belong to each tree, not by location). As a result, it is impossible for your request as everything must be do by manually. You will see the large work in here as changing data (per tree in PRO will need to look for have summary data)... P/s: read by above post also for expand my talk
  22. This is a question from ignorance: is it possibile to manually add the images of the headbutt pokemon on the spawn list of the area? OK, the fact that fletching is a "NPC Pokémon" from trees prevents it to be shown, but is it possibile to manually add it in the list? Manually is nearly impossible as so many maps and also pokemon location often updated and changing - so if you adding by manually, it mean per times changes, you will need to changes list of headbutt too (the list of pokemon also the list of maps). I just mean as nothing useful for wasting too much time, and also you can find the pokemon headbutt location in here too https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=120&t=13397 Staffs have many work to do now, don't make them overheat that :Ambivalent: It not wrong about ideas, but it is problem about technical...
  23. The Writing - neutral, no idea Map Transitions - I don't see any annoyed in here. Is that only you think it? Not sure, maybe need voted then Day/night Cycle - I think it good enough now, disagree with your idea. Common it not long :Ambivalent: Level ?? - It's for mystery as you will not get the exactly the level of gym leader. However, you can estimate around as Level gym = number gym x 10 + 5 (Johto more +5 lv)
  24. He mentioned he was doing a water only run. I tried looking for woopers as they would work as well, but they are unobtainable for him at the point he is in the story. I know, but that why I said why chose the hard way, while you can pass easily the story and then build up the team water only. That's faster and saving a lot of time. The more story process, the more pokemon you can access
  25. Why not using rock/ground pokemon at mt.moon for easy? rather than using the hard way?
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