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About Arbin17

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  1. I recently cane back after 8months and was pvping but during pvping it automatically log out and says Connection lost i am using Android device. I already lost like 7 of matches due to this. My Internet is working pretty well. So it prolly isnt problem of my internet or device as i tried this on different Wifi/mobile data.
  2. Well sry i am looking for more.7 mil is really cheap for it
  3. Hi I wanna sell my shiny and x max dnite i am taking offers for them currently isnt really a auction for now but might start it later after i see how it goes Adamant shiny Dragonite Price 14mil Pvpable H.a Dragonite xmas price 4mil
  4. Did you tried searching for it in searching box?
  5. Ingame name: Arbin17 Discord tag: EliteArigus#0879 Server: Silver How often do you use discord?: A lot One suggestion for the server: its okk
  6. wtb shiny sawsbuck can pay well
  7. Hi i wanna sell my account so is it illegal to sell account for real money waiting for answer ty
  8. gimme some and i am in too
  9. Meh so i won already xD
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