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About Sandson

  • Birthday 11/29/1994

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    Tardson, Syberkitt, R3t4rdy
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  • Occupation
    Chemical Assistant
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Rookie Trainer (2/12)



  1. Pro: ++ More variety for PVP + Rising economy because certain Pokemon might be more valuable Con: - Some players might drop PVP for a whole month Maybe add a new Queue aside of OU (would've to be discussed in which way the ladder would work after) Greetings
  2. +1 Might even be possible to search for types as mentioned above or even for Abilities or Natures as a quality of life addition (if that doesnt go too far) The mass deletion is something I´d give alot for (thinking of sessions where I had to delete 10 boxes full of pokemon with each deletion having cooldown)
  3. You have a shiny Wailmer and want to hand it over? Cool! Gimme a price below or PM me ingame and we´ll see if we can meet at a nice price! You have no shiny Wailmer and just went by? Thats fine! Have a nice day! Greetings~
  4. Sandson Application: [spoiler=Questions] #1 I´m 24 years old and imma from germany #2 I honestly am a huge fan of flygon because of Generation 3 being my favourite one and playing every run with a flygon. #3 I really want to be a known Sand player but it will be hard because im obviously a real nub so far, but I have the will to improve. #4 Of course because of Black being the best ;) and Rain being the dopest buddy~ #5 Sandson#0922 / 352154953999056899 #6 For reference of hour´s I´ll include my alts Card
  5. I´d like to suggest the idea of a posible way to delete a pokemon that has been previewed to you. So first of all if you are going for a long farming session and afterwards you have to clean the PC from the crab ones it takes a long time to do so. This problem could either be solved with mass deleting (which is already on duty as I saw) but also with another option you could call it "insta deleting". Having an option to insta delete a pokemon would be very comfortable. Although this way is a prevention of getting the Pc full of crab. Possible negative effects are yet to be evaluated but I could imagine that could lead to alot of "missdeletions" if you accidentally click that option. (maybe make it a command that deletes the last pokemon caught with a range of 5 mins to prevent deleting a poke you didnt wanted to). Also it´s questionable what would happen with possible held items since they´re not seen in the preview. Sincerely~
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  6. Just to keep it reminded: Miracle seed, Charcoal and Mystic Water are purchasable in Azalea Town for 300 a piece. Dont think 5K is a fair thing tbh! Have a nice day!^^
  7. Discord Tag: Tardson #1068 My Trainer Card: Do I fit the requirements? Yeah! I do! I´m very actively! Currently creating a decent team for Quests and maybe PvP :) I feel confident to fit in this Guild cause I´m not the shy one. Im very friendly either and have a good "tilt-resistance". Moreover I know a lot about Pokemon and PRO either and hope that I´ll be able to help if needed! My first account is called "Syberkitt" and also was on Red. Both are Silver now and Im using him for Safe trading. (I stopped using him cause my whole account [and my best Pokes ;-;] got griefed.) If u want to I´ll show my "2nd" account to you. By the way, I splitted the both accounts to keep both after merge.
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