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Everything posted by Maizer

  1. Hello Ladytdragon, the price is 25k for each poke sorry
  2. Hello @Araragikun @Nubfreak @Mainvijay I tried to pm you in game but you were not online. I'm on right now, try to pm me or discord. If you are not available, i'm free tomorrow all day
  3. Maizer's Shop 1 pokémon = 25k Will add others later Contact : IGN : Maizer Discord : lapoutrasse A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
  4. You won the auction for Cutiefly, pm me in game or discord ( #lapoutre5991 ) for the trade
  5. You won the auction for Bagon, pm me in game or discord ( #lapoutre5991 ) for the trade
  6. Can you specify which poke to valid the bid plz
  7. New bid for bagon from Blackneko22
  8. Cutiefly - C.O 650k by Konservatif - END https://www.tickcounter.com/countdown/4968865/cutiefly Bagon - C.O 600K by Ogpabs14 - END https://www.tickcounter.com/countdown/4968629/bagon Accepted payments: Reroll Ticket: 500k each. Nature Reroll: 250k each. Coin Capsule: 400k each. 15 days MS: 200k each. Black Medallion: 170k each. Pokedollars. Min bid for each poke : 50k. Auction end : 24h after first bid No s.o except Cutiefly 400k Good luck
  9. ● What's your IGN? Maizer ● How old are you? 29 (soon 30 ;_; ) ● Where are you from? I'm from france ● What's your total playtime? 2826h for now, mostly active the week end or end of the day ● What do you enjoy doing in the game? I like to hunt, daily activity, i prefer pve as pvp (cause i'm too bad) ● Would you like to offer some kind of service to the guild? (ex. Daycare service) (if not, it's totally alright!) Any kind of help i can offer The best bidoof mount is ... Suidoof
  10. Start offer : 1M Min bid : 100k End : https://www.tickcounter.com/countdown/4367424/summer-pawn (trade mod will probably should force the trade) CO : 1.4M by Gaers Good luck everyone
  11. Praysforstefan won the auction with 444k ! pm me in game (Maizer) or Discord ( laPoutre#5991 )
  12. Start : 100K End : 48h after first bid Payment : Pokedollars, IV RR 600k, Nature RR 350K - No Insta - GL Current offer : 444k - Prayforstefan https://www.tickcounter.com/countdown/4357733/abra
  13. Here's my participation, hope you'll like it Edit : Add fishing ball & Volcan Ball
  14. ● What's your in-game name? Maizer ● How old are you? 29 ● Are you active in Discord? Not a lot, not really familiar with this tool, prefer to talk in game, and when i'm off, i prioritize my irl ● Where are you from? I',m from France ● What's your total playtime? 2600 hours, started in 2017, with a 3/4 years break, come back last year ● What's your goal in PRO? I like to hunt for OT poke, and try to get each poke with 20+ iv ● What do you enjoy while playing the game? Hunt, daily quests, event, not a good pvp player but i try sometimes ● Why do you want to be part of the guild? As I said, i'm not a good pvp player, so i'm looking for a pve guild, and there's not too much, when i saw you play pvp or pve, i wanted to join ● What's your favorite Pokemon and why? Charmander family, cause it was the first poke I get, in my first Pokemon Blue game Thanks for your answer guys
  15. Event Form Season: Summer Event Form Name: Indian Mankey Graphic : 1 or 2 ?
  16. Cause cats rule the world Event Form Season: Halloween Event Form Name: Petty Glameow & Purugly Graphic:
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