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Everything posted by Fatmanclt

  1. Its the similar probleme with the miss-evo ( a charmander lvl 99 for exemple ). In the real game u dont need to keep your poke unevolved, but in PRO u need because u will win lot of time. Then if u add bug possibility / crash server / miss clic u can easily have a pokemon who can't evolve. A good solution could be to add a NPC who downgrade a lvl ( exemple : lvl 99 => lvl 98 ) and if the poke is evolved, delete the evoled. We can imagine a high price ( 70k for exemple ), with a cooldown because its a DNA manipulation. Exemple : If I give a lvl 100 Clefable to a NPC , he will give me back a lvl 99 Clefairy with the same ivs/evs. This will solve 2 problemes in 1 !
  2. I think u have some possibility to make it better : - u could up the price of the FS / WP to 50 pvp coins and make it NOT cossumed IN Ranked Battle. - u could make a NPC who sell WP/FS for pokedollar (5k each its a decent price I think, or 5 for 20k ) BTW in the officiale game the FS / WP are consumable outside the battles, but they arn't consumable in wifi battle.
  3. mmmmh my opponent for the second round is banned what can i do ? :thanks:
  4. I'm in round 2 but i don't have opponent, so i need to wait if u understand
  5. Im aggree for 1 or 2 nuisance poke but not with a high spawn like ratata or zubat, if they have the same spawn rate its ok I think
  6. What can I do ? I have lot of poke to lvl up / evs but I don't want for the moment... I am bored to hunt and sell for win money , same for lvl up. I can says that my only motivation for the moment is to hunt some shiny, but there is only few area that are viable for hunt shiny. I ever hunted magikarp in Sootopolis (100% spawn) long time ago. I got a cool adamant shiny karp. I hunted in Mt Summit during 15h because it a cool area with cool potential shiny ( potential shiny - without ms - : vulpix / medidite / Shuppet / Chimecho / Bronzor / Patrat ). I got a decent Patrat adamant but i was looking for vulpix / medidite / Shuppet / Chimecho. There are about 2/3 patrat. I wasn't lucky :( I know there is a area where u can hunt Dunsparce with a 100% spawn, same for Zarby but they aren't very attractive poke. Do u know a cool area with nice spawn and potential good shiny ? ( no rattata, Zubat, Geodude ) ? Because when u hunt for a shiny during 20h + u don't want to find a rattata x) It would be very cool to have more area with 100% spawn like Zarby/ Dunsparce / Magikarp in the game. For a shiny hunter its the perfect area! And its too bad that we can't regulate the spawn of the poke in Pro with the repel like in the real game... What about create some area more attractive for the shiny hunter or some mechanics ? It could be very cool to add some more attractive game play for the end game ! What about a new random area ( like the mirage Island ) where the spawn of poke change all the weeks or months. And plz don't put rattata or zubat inside x) That need to be a attractive area ! exemple of a ghost area : shuppet / Gastly / Duskul / Litwick / Misdreavus / Sableye / Spiritomb / Yamask. The type of the area can change all the weeks/ Months That could be a end game area for veteran player. I Don't know if its possible or not, but that will be very appreciate from the shiny hunter ! :thanks:
  7. Im agree with u. Now u can sell a life orb (50c) for 500k easily in trade chat. So 1c = 10k. So now the price of one focus/ Weakness Policy are 20k per one item ! (item consumable, Otherwise it is not funny). So if u use two per battle, u will lose 40K per battle (if u lose the battle) and lose 30k per battle ( if u win ). So yeah u can easily say that is not balance. In one word, don't use those items.
  8. Do the semi final and final are BO1 or BO3 ? I hope its bo3 because if a player have better information on the team of the opponent that will be unfair.
  9. Re: ive made so pvp videoes if anybody is interested :) <r>Beautiful channel ! what a work, keep it up <E>:y:</E></r>
  10. Thanks u ... :Heart:
  11. You may do this on the condition that it remains a debate only - the second it becomes in any way an argument, the thread will be locked. However as I have said already, I will try and source a fix. Please be patient meanwhile. Anyone affected by this in the tournament, please wait a couple days before battling and see if something can be done first. Ok thanks u can lock if u want.
  12. We are not locking your posts, because you are debating this topic. We are locking your posts, because you are crossing a line. If you can't contain yourself we will have to close this one as well. As Daeon has told you about 3 times already she is working on a solution to please you and everyone else. Please at least try and be respectful towards her efforts. Ok I undertsand but its a bit frustrating when u delete a topic, I had said nothing wrong in it.
  13. Try reading this one more time. Ok so I will shut up and pray for leech seed will allow in the tournament. Thanks.
  14. I just give my opinion, feel free to give yours. u can give ur opinion... but you have already received an answer, and the thread spam you are creating is unnecessary. Yeah but as u can see all the topic about leech seed are locked, so we can't debate.
  15. I just give my opinion, feel free to give yours.
  16. U ban leech seed too quickly in my opinion. -When people was complaining about Goth during more than 6 months u don't take any action or give any argument. - The bug of the lume bery was fixed but he was in the game since the creation of pro, Sableye was very very Op but u don't take any action. So why ban leech seed to quickly without thinking to the consequence ? + there is a tournament in coming. :thanks: Hope we can debate without a lock, or a delete, this is not a dictature and i didn't say nothing bad.
  17. Please don't comment about this here. The rules are as stated in the original post and will not change. However, I will look into sourcing a solution for the LS problem if I can. Please be patient. Round One ends on the 27th - at worst you will need to battle closer to this time. Its unfair... They killed 3 months of farming and team building. Is it fair to prepare a team during months and finally can't use it in the tournament ? U have banned the new items from the tournament, so logically leech seed should be allowed... Before someone notice that the move have 100% of precision instead of 90%, No one has complained about leech seed before. And they banned it quickly without thinking to the consequence and all the works that somes players has made during months to build our team/farming... And when lot of people was complaining during more than 6 months for ban Goths, staff never take any action without give any argument, Its illogical... Anyway I will stop complain here, but the decision make no sense. Hope u will save the work that some players has realized during months....
  18. Yes its unfair....
  19. Plz daeron allow leech seed to the tournament... They have destroyed the meta, and now we can't change our plane.... They just destroyed more than 3 months of team building....
  20. Yeah lock as usual without answer. u killed the meta well played. And u still not answered about garchomp/Goth. You are disgusting, and u killed all my work to the tournament.
  21. Now Gyra win vs ferro/ tang Now tang can't leech seed magnezone and go back. Now ferro will be destroy by garchomp (with sand veil who normally is a banned aby) Now Tang can't counter garchomp perfectly. Now this two poke are useless and can't leech seed to the switch. That normally force a switch out. Now Tang/ferro will lose vs blissey. Now tang ferro will struggle vs mitotic. Now Goth can come more easily on ferro/Tang without fear about leech seed. + leech seed will not help the next poke. U DESTROYED THE META BEFORE A TOURNAMENT !
  22. Yeah, one move being banned = meta is destroyed. Simply, Fatman, if you have an issue with it just dont play PvP. Thats all i can say. We are not going to keep an unfair bugged move that gives a big advantage compared to what it should actually give (due to said bug) in Ranked PvP just because you have a Tang or Ferro in your team. Its not going to happen. I understand Leech Seeds removal hinders some pokemon's capability, however as Sitzei has stated; Now, watch your language and behavior on forums, if you have such an issue with this change make a complaint and take your distress out there, but on the public forum you will post with respect for others and the rules = not everyone wants to see an F followed with several stars for effect. Well played, again don't answer. Yes u have killed my team that I take like 3 months to prepare, yes im ungry, and yes your decision to ban and killed two overused poke before a tournament is scandalous. U just changed a meta. WP
  23. If leech seed was banned 1months ago, I will not say the same, because u can prepare our team to the tournament and the new meta. They just changed the meta before a tournament, where is the logic ?
  24. Yeah there is lot of thing that arn't in the game for the moment, but u can't ban a important move like this before a tournament.
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