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Everything posted by Fatmanclt

  1. Re: wts godly excadrill <t>fake auction, hope he will be punish. I won this poke more than 1 time.</t>
  2. Re: wts godly excadrill <t>the bid is still not finish ingame</t>
  3. Re: wts godly excadrill <t>lol only ingame offer now.... very suspect auction</t>
  4. Re: wts godly excadrill <t>I saw no one here for bid</t>
  5. Re: wts godly excadrill <t>24h auctions past and we are still bidding in PRO .... <br/> I don't understand</t>
  6. Re: wts godly excadrill <t>3M2 here</t>
  7. I don't understand, u don't want to add breading in this game ( its a very good idea btw ) because its the philosophy of the PRO but u add this system instead who will kill the soul of PRO. I think a majority of people prefer that u work on add ability + move instead of this system. And with a complete game u will have more players and more money. Why not add a something like in 7g who max only 1 ivs to 31, but it must be a hard reward, like top 1 of the ladder at the end of the season. But u can't add this system to the coin shop, its pay to win, its like play lotto. If u add this system that u will destroy the game imo, lot of players will leave. If u want to add something that will encourage players to buy MS I recommend u to add an area only available for MS players, in this area the poke who spawn will change all months or 2 weaks if possible, but u need to add good poke inside, u can make a area with only cool water poke for exemple, then next time an other type. Imagine a area where u can find only cool poke inside, and not really commun poke, all the players would like to go inside. Anyway good luck and thanks for your work but please listen the community and don't do this system, u can add lot of things more interesting for the players. Best regards.
  8. Re: Can u please listen the community ? <r><QUOTE author="Mewboo" post_id="382299" time="1494019052" user_id="1112825"><s> </e></QUOTE><br/> <br/> I quote u because im totally agree.</r>
  9. Can u please listen the community ? <t>Who asked for a randomiser ivs ? no one. Its only pay to win. <br/> <br/> Who asked for new move and ability ? all the players. <br/> Who asked for delete the reset of trainers ? <br/> <br/> If u want more money, make your game better and more complete ( code all move and ability ) and perhaps there will be more players and u will won more money. <br/> <br/> Just listen the community and u will have more players and more money.</t>
  10. im sad :( See ya and good luck
  11. ok so 2M6 mate
  12. YEah i love the staf ! Im can bid 2M5 btw
  13. You don't get tired of talking sh*t about me? First of all I don't get ban because of botting, second I do not owe you any explanations and third keep the post just for bids kiddo :y: Yeah go away botter. I saw your last post before the update u u got banned for botting, so stop lying.
  14. Re: WTS/WTT god Excadrill 164IV <t>2m8 :)</t>
  15. Re: WTS/WTT god Excadrill 164IV <t>I offer 2M</t>
  16. Re: My Shiny Collection <t>Big update , 10 shiny lvl 100 added !</t>
  17. Yeah true , its not my first language tbh ! I will be happy if u could correct the mistake I mad, it would be very appreciate :thanks:
  18. And u have the beautifull bug of the Bag that is well know since more than 1 years and still not fixed, and u lose your poke because u are afk. Beautiful, I like it. Well the game is a farming game and when u found your poke after more than 4-10h of farming and u lose it there is a probleme. Yeah I know u can avoids this bud, but plz fix this BUGGGGGGG. Its the MAIN BUG to correct in this game, but the bug is still here since more than 1 year. I'm disgusting but i will not stop play because im a veteran but think about all the newbie who farm during 2 or 3hours then lose their poke and quit the game because they are disgusting. Plz fix
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