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About Kojolionhart

  • Birthday 10/25/1991

Kojolionhart's Achievements



  1. Re: Reality recruiting-{Blue Server}-{Events upcoming and happening!!!} <t>1.Can you use discord?:<br/> I really do not know how but can try<br/> 2.What can you do for our guild(Why would we want you):<br/> i can be an active member catch pokemon for any newer players who join guild and be a friend<br/> 3.Can you be active on both discord and in game?:I can be mainly active in game i really never used discord at all if i knew what to do wth it i'd use it<br/> 4.What is your favorite pokemon?:Charizard or Typlosion<br/> 5.How many badges and game play hours do you have?:16 badges and 89 hours almost 90</t>
  2. In game Hours:53 hours Pokedex # of caught and number of seen: caught 114 seen 200 Total # of badges / have you completed Kanto and or Johto :8 no kanto e4 yet When did you play your first pokemon game? : Red and or Blue when i was 7 been awhile played atleast one game in each gen lol
  3. Your in-game name:Kojolionhart Hours played: 45 Badges:8 Time-Zone: Gmt -7/8 or Pacific Standard Time/Pacific Daylight Saving Time I currently forget if pdt is currently in effect till fall
  4. Hello there i would like to join your waiting list so things to know about me in game stats i have: 107 hours/ 16 badges/227 owned seen 331 evolved 81 Personal Irl : Time zone Usa west coast gmt-8 00 Anyways thank you for going to add to waiting list and then the guild later on
  5. Re: The epic fennekin shop <t>on fenniken number 6 two metal coats one dawn stone one rare candy and a sun stone and some cash atleast 35k</t>
  6. so i tried to make a logo its a charmander pikachu and five squrtle's heads in water here is the site https://imgur.com/DDBt99l
  7. Do you participate in competitive battling? :Yes Somewhat Are you willing to shiny hunt for events? :Yes would you be willing to do GvG (Guild Vs Guild) battles for events? :Yes Can you handle yourself in "adult situations"? :Yes Will you break any of PRO's official rules? :No
  8. I wantss it must havess it givess me the precious Nooss do not throws the ring into the fire by the way love the pureness of cyndaquil
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