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Everything posted by Vexen

  1. Vexen


    Re: DIE <t>rofl.</t>
  2. yea idk why that keeps happening
  3. lol that happened to me aswell
  4. Re: WTS Epic Pawniard Defiant <t>1.8 mil</t>
  5. Re: Auctioning H.A. Bold Gothita <t>2.8m.</t>
  6. Re: wts Pawniard ~ very rare Aadamant atk31. total 136 <r>i would buy it but seems scott2038 and hair40450 your c.o. are the same person <E>:Frown:</E></r>
  7. Re: One of best Manetrics in game, Luxrays and Gliscors; and more! check! Happiny added <t>280k gliscor</t>
  8. Auction can start at 200k will last a couple of days
  9. Re: xApoman Epic Pokes Only <t>i will start chandelure</t>
  10. Start bo : 400k Insta : 900k auction will last 24 hrs
  11. Hi auction can start at 80k and will last 24 hrs Have fun
  12. 450k.
  13. Re: SELL Charmeleon 31,30,30 IVS for Def,Spd and SpAttack C/O 800K <t>850k.</t>
  14. sold it for 1.5m what the
  15. hey did u sell the starmie?
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