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Everything posted by Vexen

  1. Re: Amazing pvp pokemons lvl 100 and low lvl's (with insta prices!) <t>250k on forretress</t>
  3. Re: 3 goods ferroseed <t>250k 3rd , 100k second</t>
  4. Re: Spectru Shop only goods pvp pokemons <t>120k ambi</t>
  5. Re: Shabrina's Shop : Good and Shiny's Pokemon <t>265k arcanine</t>
  6. Re: ..:: Kaley's Shop :: Rares / Decents :: Tons of Pokemons ::.. <r><QUOTE author="Kaley"><s> </e></QUOTE> Thanks for your interest but Im looking for more for these 3. Add me ingame if you want to discuss about that<e> </e></QUOTE> so hmm how about 250k on happiny?</r>
  7. that ability tho :( , 501k
  8. lol typical reseller aiming for at least something close to the price he bought them , u might aswell put a bo start or insta price cause im pretty sure youll decline all offers just saying.
  9. 1.3m for it
  10. Re: God togekiss and Azumaril <t>500k toge, 950k azumarill</t>
  11. Re: God togekiss and Azumaril <t>350k toge</t>
  12. Re: God togekiss and Azumaril <t>800k azu</t>
  13. Re: ..:: Kaley's Shop :: Rares / Decents :: Tons of Pokemons ::.. <t>90k happiny, 50k on growlithe and vulpix</t>
  14. Re: God togekiss and Azumaril <t>180k azumarill</t>
  15. Re: EPIC SUPER NAIVE BAGON ABOVE 20+ ALL IVS <t>600k for it</t>
  16. Re: WTS: EPIC JOLLY 30 SPD 25 ATK HAXORUS MOLD BREAKER <t>so whats the bo atm?</t>
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