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Everything posted by Bamboozled69

  1. I meant after thread's creation, so you can close it
  2. Auction start at 50k min increase 25k auction ends in 48 hours https://gyazo.com/366a175f5f44d4ff5916c65a9d252507
  3. All prices are insta Accepted payments(pokedollars, CC=400k) 400k 250k 150k 50k 100k 150k 200k 200k 100k 250k 150k 100k 200k 50k
  4. @McL0v1n69 @OtCCaveMan Alright, @ me here when u can come online.
  5. @Mosz Sorry, I was on vacation. Are you still interested in the loppunny?
  6. Sorry I wasn't online for a few days. When can we do the trade?
  7. Hi, Welcome to my shop. All the prices are insta buy (not negotiable) I accept CC = 400k IV reroll = 700k Nature reroll = 350k Have fun! 1m 850k 250k 300k HP grass 200k 500k 250k
  8. 1.5m
  9. two and a half hours left
  10. Start = 200k Min increase = 50k Duration = 24hours after start
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