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Everything posted by Alejandrod

  1. i think it needs your OT
  2. i have a similar issue, i saved santa from bullies, got back to cryofrost town, talk to him and he tells me to go frozen cave, it supposed to be a npc at the door but no, also santa from cryofrost dissapear , i cant continue any help staff? EDIT: problem solves i dont know how, santa return and frozen cave npcs appear except the entrance one
  3. start offer doesnt matter if you dont specify that the audition starts after first bid, you can check other similar auditions, you made a mistake there
  4. it says 72 hours after start not after first bid and it started Wednesday at 07:45 PM
  5. it ended, right?
  6. 11m
  7. i cant find the item doe hungry tyranitart, tried all spots and nothing
  8. you already know about megas, right?
  9. Please reduce ivs for the third bird baby, 150 is A LOT for a tier 9 poke, make it 140 or 145 :(
  10. This never happened me before xDDD So... did i win a shiny emboar? :3
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